Page:Bedřich Smetana, The bartered bride, Die verkaufte braut.pdf/33

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The devil!

It's our best number!


What is to be done?
No, without a bear it will never do!
The farmers will beat us in the bargain. . .
My reputation rests on that number.


Go and find another one.
Any young fellow will do.


It's in vain,
I looked around all over.
There is none who'd suit:
This one too fat, and that too thin,
One too tall, the other too short!
Not one will fit inside the hide,
And there is no time to be lost,
If ready we must be!


What do you think, Esmeralda?


(who was casting loving glances at Esmeralda all this time.)

She'd be a girl, wh-who'd suit me,
So pretty!! I-if I'd ge her for a wife!
The whole town would envy me!

Esmeralda (encouraging him).

Why do you look at me so?
Do you want to ask something?

Wenzel (bashfully).

Co-co-could you love me?


(who took Wenzel in with the glance of a connoisseur, to Springer.)

Ah, just look: the bear-hide
Would fit him so perfectly,
That one could swear,
It was made for him.


Then go and
Announce the performance!
And I will take him for the act.

(The Indian goes.)

(to Wenzel.)

Here, my dear!
If you love her, my Esmeralda,
Then will I give you my blessing!
You'll join my company now;
With Esmeralda shall you dance today!

Wenzel (joyfully).



Alas, dance I ca-ca-cannot!


Will love teach you what you cannot do.

Wenzel (happily).

Love! There's something in that.


A happy life awaits you:
Ever happy and gay!
From morn to night to sing,
Joke and jump!
Here to-day, to-morrow there!
And everywhere as artists
Are we regarded!
Yes, the comedian's profession
Maz well be called
Profession of professions,
Malum malorum
That's how it's called in Latin!
Comedy is played all over,
Not alone in theatres,
Yes, some times even better
And more illusion in life,
But not so cheerful, harmless,
As with us.


What? You are still thinking about it?
Be brave! Love gives you
Your first laurels!