Page:Bedřich Smetana, The bartered bride, Die verkaufte braut.pdf/23

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(Hans and Kezal.)

(Kezal (drags Hans in).

Come, my son, just one word!
I want to confide in you!

Hans (resents).

Let me go, I must away,
At the fields to gaze!


Then you don't know who I am?


Yes, they told me who you are;
An now, what do you want?


You are clever, quick and skilful,
You are fit for many things.
A young girl, as is well known
Has you captivated.
Have you any means?


Cares have I, perhaps?
Every true pair
Is blessed by God!


Nonsense! That is very plain:
Your happiness is not lasting!
Without money all is nonsense.
Therefore save a little!
I myself have found it out
When I too was young.

(pause of dilemma.)

Tell me, pray,
One thing more:
Gladly would I know
Where you have come from?


Far from here
Do we live.
I have wandered here
From the Moldau waves.


There ought you to find a wife!
To marry abroad
Is not good—believe me!


In a strange land I've found
What my native land could never offer;
A heavenly angel I call mine,
And she shall be my lovely mate.


Who burns with love,
in his folly
Takes women for angels,
Thinks, in his ecstacy,
His sweetheart to be
Perfectly faultless.
'Tis many such sweetheart
Is false as a kitten
Which plays with velvety paws;
But, Oh how awful,
When all of a sudden,
You feel her pointed sharp claws.

One tries hard to win
Some pretty child,
And till he has won her,
His happiness is wild;
But sad to say,
He soon sighs and moans:
O would, dear God,
I were rid of her!

But a careful man
Is on his guard;
And many vexations
Is he spared.
Nothing compels him,
For he has considered
The pros and cons in advance.
He can joke and jest,
For in his breast
He has sweetheart and money besides!

What is left for you?
Good friend, beware!
Love and happiness too,
Good night!

Hans (crossly).

Must I thank you, too?
Go, jest with another!


But be not impatient, friend!
I must ask you something.
One I know,
Who has money galore!
He who calls her his own,