Page:Bedřich Smetana, The bartered bride, Die verkaufte braut.pdf/11

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Kruschina, Kathinka, and Kezal.


Everything is now in order,
And important is just this:
Give your word as pledge,
And then the bargain's made.
Yes, for I have reconciled
All the hapiness in land.
For all success depends alone
On sense and penetration.
When the pair will meet,
Why, I may be cursed
If both don't burn with love,
And glow with passion!

Kruschina (to Kathinka).

Now tell me, what do you think?
I have half decided!


Just one thing do I withhold:
Let it be, but not just now!
Without our daughter's assent
No wedding can take place;
Anxious am I to ask
If she has made up her mind.


No need, no need!
Your word. . . it's quite enough.


But first she must see the wooer.


To see him, too? Ah, confound you!
There's nothing there to criticise!
In that case would I mediate?
Do you think I'm here for fun?
Micha's son, just like his father,
Surely will suit everyone!
Why, you know him!
He is respected!
His estate, as I am told,
Is worth fully thirty thousand.

Everything's in order,
Important is just this:
Give your word as pledge,
And then the bargain's made.


Yet we first want to know
What we are doing.

Kruschina (aside).

To contradict her, I lack courage.


Yes, for I have reconciled
The happiest in the land.


Now, to be sure! I knew Tobias Micha
When a child, but little have I learnt
Of his two sons as yet,
Barely their names do I remember.


How strange! For but few years ago
You promised him to give your daughter
As wife to his son.


But tell me, pray,
For which of the two sons
Are you soliciting?


And you ask that? Why,
He has but one, called Wenzel.
For the son from his first wife
Is long forgotten.
He's dead, as they believe.


And what about this Wenzel?
Has he some purpose?
In thus staying aloof, and hiding?


He would have gladly come along,
But deep respect is keeping him away.
He's so much for decorum, for fine breeding.