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or dark brown epidermis. It is found in the North Island, and attains a length of over one and a-half inches. It is a rock borer, and can bore into very hard rock. I have seen a small one that had bored into a thick Glycymeris shell.

VENERUPIS REFLEXA (Plate IX.).—Fig. 9 is a very irregular-shaped greyish shell, with prominent ridges on the outside. The interior is yellow, with a large blackish-purple patch. It is sometimes an inch in length, and is found in both Islands in the sand or mud, amongst rocks.

VENERUPIS ELEGANS (Plate IX.).—Fig. 10 is a white shell, with a white interior, and up to one and a-half inches long. The ridges on one end are very prominent. This shell is found only in the North Island.

DIVARICELLA CUMINGI (Plate IX.).—Fig. 11 (late Lucina dentata) is a milk-white shell, sometimes 1¼ inches in length. The grooves or furrows on the outside bend in the centre to almost a right-angle, giving it a peculiarly beautiful appearance, and making it easily recognisable. Found in both Islands on ocean beaches and in harbours.

VENERICARDIA AUSTRALIS (Plate IX,).—Fig. 12 (late Cardita australis) is a pale brownish-white shell, with prominent ribs. Sometimes the outside is marked and splashed with reddish-brown. The interior is white, with pink or rose-coloured patches. The shell is about one and three-quarter inches wire. It is found in both Islands attached to kelp roots, which usually discolour one end of the shell. The Maori name is Purimu.

CHIONE CRASSA (Plate IX.).—Fig. 13 (late Venus mesodesma) is a white or brown shell, one inch in length. It is found in large numbers on ocean beaches after a gale. The markings on it vary very much, and consist of radiating bands, or zigzag lines, of brown or purple brown. The interior is white, with a violet band round the margin.

TAPES INTERMEDIA (Plate IX.).—Fig. 14 is a brown or yellowish-white shell, with a white or grey interior. The young