Page:Balthasar Hübmaier.djvu/32

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Füsslin, Kirchen-und Ketzer-geschichte der mittelalterischen Zeit. 3 vols. Erlangen, 1772–1774.

This supplements the author's Sabbata, and contains much documentary and other information, both interesting and valuable.

Hagenbach, J. Oekolampads Leben und ausgewählte Schriften. Elberfeld, 1859.

An interesting biography of one who was an early friend of Hübmaier, and never became his enemy.

Heath, Anabaptism, from its rise at Zwickau to its Fall at Münster, 1521–1536. London, 1895.

A book to which may be applied all that is said of the work of Bax above.

Jackson, Huldreich Zwingli, the Reformer of German Switzerland. New York, 1903.

The best biography in English. Chap. xii. contains a clear and candid account of Anabaptism at Zürich and Hübmaier's treatment there.

Jackson, Selected Works of Huldreich Zwingli. Philadelphia, 1901.

Kautsky, Geschichte des Socialismus, von Plato bis zu den Wiedertäufern. Stuttgart, 1895.

The author gives a valuable appreciation of the Anabaptists, but exaggerates the importance of the socialistic group among them.

Loserth, Die Stadt Waldshut und die vorderösterreichische Regierung in der Jahren 1523–1526, in the Archiv für Oesterreichischer Geschichte, lxxxvii., 1 sq.

Loserth, Zur Geschichte der Wiedertäufer in Mähren, in the Zeitschrift für allgemeine Geschichte, 1884, Heft 6.

Loserth, Der Communismus des Mährischen Wiedertäufer im 16 und 17 Jahrhundert. Vienna, 1894.

These three are all valuable, the last invaluable. The first is practically reprinted in the biography of Hübmaier.