Page:Axiochus (Spenser, 1592).pdf/50

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which place is called the plain of Truth where the Iudges ſit examining euery one that commeth thither how he hath liued, and with what trade or manner of life hee hath inhabited his mortall body, with whom there is no place for lies; nor refuge for excuſes. Then they which in their life time were inſpired and led with a good Angell, are receiued into the houſhold of the bleſſed, where all ſeaſons flowe with abundance of all fruits, where from the ſiluer ſprings doo calmely run the Chriſtall ſtreames, where the flouriſhing medowes are cloathed with chaungeable Mantles of glorious colours, where are famous Schooles of renowmed Philoſophers, goodly companies of diuine Poets, trim ſorts of Dauncers, heauenly Muſicke, great banquets furniſhed with coſtly cates, Tables abounding with all bounty, delights without all care, and pleaſures without all paine: For the Inhabitants thereof are neither touched with force of cold, nor payned with exceſſe of heate, but the moderate Aire breatheth on them mildly and calmely, being, lightned with the gentle Sunnebeames.

In this place, and in the Elyſian fields, they which haue taken holy orders are highly aduanced and reuerenced, dayly miniſtring the vnſearcheable rytes of Religion. VVherefore then ſhouldeſt thou doubt but to be made partaker of the ſame honor, being one of the
