Page:Augustine Herrman, beginner of the Virginia tobacco trade, merchant of New Amsterdam and first lord of Bohemia manor in Maryland (1941).djvu/95

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issued forth a glistermge stuff sand like unto the filings of Brass, and so continued downwards this Neck, that the very ground seemed to be covered with the Same Brassy stuff.”

Describing the sources of the York and Mattapanye rivers, Herrman says:

“The Heads of these two Rivers Proceed and issue forth out of low Marshy ground, and not out of hills or Mountains as other rivers doe.”

“The Great Sassaquahana River runs up Northerly to the Sinnicus about 200 miles with Divers Rivers and Branches on both sides to the east and west full of falls and Iles until about 10 or 12 miles above the Sasquahana fort then it runs cleare but south southwards not Navigable but with great danger with Indian canoes by Indian pilots.”

Fort Sasquahana is represented by a quaint drawing of low arched roofed houses surrounded by a palisade. Between the Sassaquahana and the Schuylkill rivers he inserts this annotation:

“Between the heads of these opposite Branches being swampy is but a narrow passage of Land to come down out of the main continent into the neck between the two great Rivers.”

New Jersey he designates as,

“New Jarsy Pars at present inhabited only or most by Indians. These limits between Virginia and Maryland are thus bounded by both sides Deputies the 27th. May Ao 1558 marked by dubble Trees from the Pokomoake East to the Seaside to a creek called Swansecut cr.”

The Carolinas are marked as Carolinae Pars, the Atlantic Ocean is described as the North Sea and in “the Great Bay of Chesepeake” Herrman draws two sailing vessels winding their way toward the “Potowmeck.”