Page:Atharva-Veda samhita.djvu/632

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vii. 102-

the meter demands me-kṣi- ⌊rather ūrdhuás?⌋. The comm. has instead māi ’ṣyāmi, explaining it as = mā gamiṣyami! Virtually all the authorities, too, leave tiṣṭhan unaccented (two out of fourteen of SPP's and our R.s.m. tíṣṭhan); this both editions emend. ⌊The Anukr. seems to scan as 11 + 8: 7 + 8 = 34.⌋

⌊The squatting posture in making water is, I believe, general with the natives of India to this day. So Hesiod, Works and Days, 727: μηδ' ἀντ΄ἠελίοιο τετραμμένος ὀρθὸς ὀμιχεῖν...ἑζόμενος κτλ. Cf. xiii. 1. 56 and my note.⌋

Here ends the ninth anuvāka, of 12 hymns and 21 verses: the old Anukr. says navamo dvādaça and ekaviṅça.

103 (108). For betterment.

[Brahman.—ātmadāivatam. trāiṣṭubham.]

Found also in Paipp. xx. Used by Kāuç. (59. 19) with hymn 17 etc. (see under 17).

Translated: Ludwig, p. 269; Henry, 41, 116; Griffith, i. 378.—Cf. Bloomfield, AJP. xvii. 408-9.

1. What Kshatriya, seeking betterment, shall lead us up out of this reproachful hate—who that desires sacrifice, or who that desires bestowal? who wins long life-time among the gods?

This is apparently the appeal of a Brahman seeking employment (so Ludwig also). The comm. (also Ppp.) reads vanate in d; he gives alternative conjectural explanations, and tries, of course, on account of the repeated ka, to bring the verse into connection with Prajāpati (Ka). Ppp. further has no ‘syā in a, and kaṣ pūr. ko yaj. in c.

104 (109). Concerning Atharvan's cow.

[Brahman.—ātmadāivatam. trāiṣṭubham.]

Found also in Pāipp. xx. Used by Kāuç. (66. 17) in a savayajña, having as sava a cultivated field {urvarākhye savayajñe, comm.).

Translated: Henry, 41, 116; Griffith, i. 379.—Cf. above, v. 11, introduction.

1. Who, enjoying companionship with Brihaspati, shall shape [its] body at his will—the spotted milch-cow, well-milking, with constant calf, given by Varuṇa to Atharvan?

The translation implies in d tanvàm as read by Ppp.; compare RV. x. 15. 14 d (AV. xviii. 3. 59 reads tanvàs, but with much better reason than here), also iii. 48.4 b and vii. 101. 3 b. The comm. refers to v. 11 as explaining the cow referred to. Some of the mss. (including our Bp.E.O.K.) accent sakhyàm in c, and SPP. adopts it in his text; ours has the correct sakhyám. Ppp. begins with kaṁ, and has in b, for nítyavatsām, dhenum etām, and in c tāṁ bṛhaspatyā sakhyā.

105 (110). An exhortation to holy life.

[Atharvan.—mantroktadevatyam. ānuṣṭubham.]

Found also in Pāipp. xx. Quoted by Kāug. (55. 16) in the upanayana ceremony, as the teacher takes the pupil by the arm and sets him facing eastward; and the second half-verse later in the same (56. 16), as he makes the pupil turn so as to face him.

Translated: Henry, 41, 117; Griffith, i. 379.