Page:Atharva-Veda samhita.djvu/579

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-vii. 32
suṣṭutī́r, MS. suṣṭutī́, before it; while AÇS.ÇÇS. read instead suṣṭutir vām iyānā, evidently corrupt. Ppp. has, for b (putting it in the other verse), pātaṁ ghṛtasya guhyā juṣāṇaḥ. VS. (viii. 24) and MS. (in i. 3. 39), finally, have a second half-verse nearly like our c, d, but addressed to Agni, with a wholly different first half: it reads dáme-dame samídhaṁ yakṣy (MS. yákṣy) agne práti te jihvā́ ghṛtám úc caraṇyat. ⌊The "inversion" of the verses in Ppp., taken with the "exchange of pādas 1 b and 2 b," seems to mean that the Ppp. reading is as follows: agnāviṣṇū mahi dhāma priyaṁ vāṁ pātaṁ ghṛtasya guhyāni nāma: dame-dame etc.; and then, agnāviṣṇu mahi tad vāṁ mahitvaṁ pātaṁ ghṛtasya guhyā juṣāṇaḥ: dame-dame etc.⌋

30 (31). For successful anointing.

[Bhṛgvan̈giras.—dyāvāpṛthivīyam uta pratipādoktadevatākam. bārkatam.]

Not found in Pāipp. Used by Kāuç. (54. 6) in the godāna ceremony, to accompany the anointing of the youth's eyes. Vāit. (10. 5) makes it accompany, in the paçubandha, the anointing of the sacrificial post.

Translated: Henry, 12, 65; Griffith, i. 342.

1. Well anointed for me have heaven-and-earth, well anointed hath Mitra here made [it]; well anointed for me may Brahmaṇaspati, well anointed may Savitar make [it].

The comm. supplies akṣiyugaṁ yūpaṁ vā for svāktam to agree with. The meter is plainly anuṣṭubh.

31 (32). To Indra: for aid.

[Bhṛgvan̄giras.—āindram. bkuriktriṣṭubh.]

Like the preceding, not found in Pāipp. Used by Kāuç. (48. 37), with hymns 34 and 108, and with vii. 59 ⌊or vi. 37. 3 (but see note to vii. 59)⌋, in a witchcraft ceremony against enemies, while laying on the fire fuel from a tree struck by lightning.

Translated: Henry, 12, 66; Griffith, i. 342.

1. O Indra, with abundant best possible aids, O generous hero, quicken us today; whoever hates us, may he fall downward; and whom we hate, him let breath quit.

The verse is RV. iii. 53. 21, which has for sole variant yācchreṣṭhā́bhis ⌊which the meter alone would suggest as an emendation⌋ (p. yāt॰çre-) in b. The combination sás padīṣṭa is prescribed by Prāt. ii. 58. The comm. treats yāvat and çreṣṭhābhis as independent words.

32 (33). Homage to Soma (?).

[Brahman.—āyuṣyam. ānuṣṭubham.]

Found also (except d) in Pāipp. xx. It is, without variant, RV. ix. 67. 29 (which also lacks d). Used by Kāuç. twice (58. 3, 11) in rites for length of life (on account of the concluding pāda), with iii. 31, iv. 13, and other passages, in the ceremony of initiation of a Vedic student. It is reckoned (54. 11, note) to the āyuṣya gaṇa.

Translated: by RV. translators; and Henry, 12, 66; Griffith, i. 342.