Page:Atharva-Veda samhita.djvu/438

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v. 26-

2. Let the heavenly impeller (savitár), the bull (mahiṣá), foreknowing, join [them] at this sacrifice: hail!

Ppp. reads, after prajānan, yajñe sayujas svāhā. The Anukr., in this and many of the following verses, simply counts 20 syllables (prāj. bṛhatī), without heeding the fact that each contains a triṣṭubh pāda.

3. Let Indra, foreknowing, at this sacrifice join songs and revels (ukthāmadá), the well-joined ones (?): hail!

Ppp. reads and combines sayujas sv-. The mechanical definition of the Anukr. implies a division into 7 + 7 + 8 syllables. There is some blundering of the mss. over ukthāmadā́ni, B. appearing to read ukya-m-, and P.W. uktām-. Suyújas, here and in vss. 7-11, may be genitive 'of the well-joined one'; it does not agree in gender with the nouns that precede ⌊aside from āçíṣo⌋.

4. The directions (prāiṣá) at the sacrifice, the notices (nivíd): hail! taught by the wives, carry ye here, joined.

Ppp. reads prāiṣā nividā priyo yajūṅṣi çiṣṭāḥ etc.

5. The meters (chándas) at the sacrifice, O Maruts: hail! as a mother her son, fill ye here, joined.

The meter and its treatment by the Anukr. are the same as in the case of vs. 1.

6. Here hath come Aditi, with barhís, with sprinkling [waters], extending the sacrifice: hail!

A perfectly good pair of triṣṭubh pādas.

7. Let Vishnu join variously the fervors (tápas) at this sacrifice, the well-joined ones: hail!

Ppp. again gives sayujas sv-.

8. Let Tvashtar now join variously the forms at this sacrifice, the well-joined ones: hail!

All the saṁhitā mss. read rūpā́ asmín, as in our text, the pada-text having rūpā́ḥ! Ppp., on the other hand, gives bahudhā virūpā ’smin. Probably it is a case of anomalous saṁdhi (with hiatus), which should have been included in Prāt. iii. 34 (see the note to that rule); but one may also conjecture that the true reading is bahudhā́ ’nurūpāḥ.

9. Let Bhaga join now for him the blessings (āçís); at this sacrifice let him, foreknowing, join the well-joined ones: hail!

Ppp. combines asmā ’smin, and reads sayujas, as above. The Anukr. evidently reckons three pādas, of 11 + 7 + 8 syllables.

10. Let Soma join variously the milks (páyas), at this sacrifice, the well-joined ones: hail!

11. Let Indra join variously the heroisms, at this sacrifice, the well-joined ones: hail!