Page:Atharva-Veda samhita.djvu/373

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-iv. 32

5. Victory-making, like Indra, not to be talked down, do thou, O fury, be our over-lord here; thy dear name we sing, O powerful one; we know that fount whence thou camest (ā-bhū).

The comm. explains anavabravá as "speaking things—i.e. means of victory—that are not new (a-nava)." The verses 5-7 are not full jagatīs.

6. Born together with efficacy (? ā́bhūti), O missile (sā́yaka) thunderbolt, thou bearest superior power, O associate; be thou allied (medín) with our energy (krátu), O fury, much-invoked one, in the mingling (saṁsṛ́j) of great riches.

RV. has in b abhibhūte instead of the difficult sahabhūte; and Ppp. (ebhibhūta utt-) supports RV. The comm. explains kratvā in c by karmaṇā. One is tempted to emend in a (also in 32. 1 a) to vajrasāyaka 'whose missile is the thunderbolt.'

7. The mingled riches of both sides, put together, let Varuṇa and fury assign to us; conceiving fears in their hearts, let the foes, conquered, vanish away.

Instead of dhattām, RV. and the comm. have in b dattām; Ppp. reads dattaṁ varuṇaç ca manyo; RV. gives bhíyam in c; Ppp. has a peculiar d: parājitā yantu paramāṁ parāvatam. Certain of our mss. (Bp.E.I.) accent at the end láyantām.

32. Praise and prayer to fury (manyú).

[Brahmāskanda.—manyudāivatam. trāiṣṭubham: 1. jagatī.]

This hymn ⌊which is RV. x. 83⌋ goes in all respects with hymn 31, which see.

Translated: by the RV. translators; and Griffith, i. 174; Weber, xviii. 129.

1. He who hath worshiped thee, O fury, missile thunderbolt, gains (puṣ) power, force, everything, in succession; may we, with thee as ally, that art made of power, overpower the barbarian, the Aryan, with powerful power.

Ppp. has sadyo for manyo in a, and sahīyasā at the end. All the mss. accent púṣyati in b, and SPP. very properly so reads; our text was altered to conform with RV., which in general is distinctly less apt to give accent to a verb in such a position ⌊Skt. Gram. §597 a⌋. RV. also omits the redundant and meter-disturbing (the Anukr. takes no notice of this) vayám in c. Several of our mss. (P.M.W.E.) give vidadhat instead of ‘vidhat in a. Sāhyā́ma (p. sahyā́ma) is expressly prescribed by Prāt. iii. 15, iv. 88; the comm. appears to read sahy-. The comm. renders ānuṣak by anuṣaktaṁ saṁtatam. ⌊For vajra sāyaka, see note to iv. 31. 6; and for púṣyati, note to iv. 13. 2.⌋

2. Fury [was] Indra, fury indeed was a god; fury [was] priest (hótar), Varuṇa, Jātavedas; the clans (víç) which are descended from Manu (mā́nuṣa) praise fury; protect us, O fury, in accord with fervor (tápas).

The translation assumes in c the reading manyúm (instead of -yús), which is given by RV., the comm. (with one of SPP's mss.), and TB. (ii. 4. 111) and MS. (iv. 12. 3); the nomin. here appears to be a plain corruption, though Ppp. also has it. TB. gives in a bhágas for índras, and devayántīs for mā́nuṣīr yā́ḥ in c, and çrámeṇa for sajóṣās at