Page:As You Like It (1919) Yale.djvu/92

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As You Like It, IV. ii

Cel. Or rather, bottomless; that as fast as you
pour affection in, it runs out. 222

Ros. No; that same wicked bastard of Venus,
that was begot of thought, conceived of spleen,
and born of madness, that blind rascally boy
that abuses every one's eyes because his own
are out, let him be judge how deep I am in
love. I'll tell thee, Aliena, I cannot be out of
the sight of Orlando: I'll go find a shadow and
sigh till he come. 230

Cel. And I'll sleep. Exeunt.

Scene Two

[Another Part of the Forest]

Enter Jaques and Lords, Foresters.

Jaq. Which is he that killed the deer?

[First] Lord. Sir, it was I.

Jaq. Let's present him to the duke, like a
Roman conqueror; and it would do well to set the
deer's horns upon his head for a branch of victory.
Have you no song, forester, for this purpose? 6

[Second] Lord. Yes, sir.

Jaq. Sing it: 'tis no matter how it be in tune
so it make noise enough.

Music. Song.

'What shall he have that kill'd the deer?
His leather skin and horns to wear.
Then sing him home. 12

The rest shall bear this burden.

224 thought: melancholy
spleen: impulse

S. d. Lords, Foresters: (Lords dressed as foresters)
5 branch; cf. n.
S. d. The . . . burden; cf. n.