Page:As You Like It (1919) Yale.djvu/77

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As You Like It, III. iv

'O sweet Oliver!
O brave Oliver!
Leave me not behind thee:'

but,— 108

'Wind away,
Begone, I say,
I will not to wedding with thee.'

[Exeunt Jaques, Touchstone, and Audrey.]

Sir Oli. 'Tis no matter: ne'er a fantastical
knave of them all shall flout me out of my call-
ing. [Exit.]

Scene Four

[Another Part of the Forest]

Enter Rosalind and Celia.

Ros. Never talk to me: I will weep.

Cel. Do, I prithee; but yet have the grace to
consider that tears do not become a man.

Ros. But have I not cause to weep? 4

Cel. As good cause as one would desire;
therefore weep.

Ros. His very hair is of the dissembling colour.

Cel. Something browner than Judas's; marry,
his kisses are Judas's own children. 9

Ros. I' faith, his hair is of a good colour.

Cel. An excellent colour: your chestnut was
ever the only colour. 12

Ros. And his kissing is as full of sanctity as
the touch of holy bread.

Cel. He hath bought a pair of cast lips of

105 O sweet Oliver; cf. n.
109 Wind away: go away

7 dissembling: false; cf. n.
8 Judas's; cf. n.
11 your chestnut; cf. n.
15 cast: cast off, possibly a quibble for 'chaste'