Page:As You Like It (1919) Yale.djvu/38

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As You Like It, NN. nn

To fright the animals and to kill them up
In their assign'd and native dwelling-place.

Duke S. And did you leave him in this contemplation? 64

Sec. Lord. We did, my lord, weeping and commenting
Upon the sobbing deer.

Duke S.Show me the place.
I love to cope him in these sullen fits,
For then he's full of matter. 68

Sec. Lord. I'll bring you to him straight.


Scene Two

[A Room in the Palace]

Enter Duke [Frederick], with Lords.

Duke F. Can it be possible that no man saw them?
It cannot be: some villains of my court
Are of consent and sufferance in this.

First Lord. I cannot hear of any that did see her. 4
The ladies, her attendants of her chamber,
Saw her a-bed; and, in the morning early
They found the bed untreasur'd of their mistress.

Sec. Lord. My lord, the roynish clown, at whom so oft 8
Your Grace was wont to laugh, is also missing.
Hisperia, the princess' gentlewoman,
Confesses that she secretly o'erheard
Your daughter and her cousin much commend 12

62 kill . . . up: kill off
67 cope: encounter
68 matter: sense, substance
69 straight: straightway

3 of consent and sufferance: i.e., have complied and permitted without opposition
7 untreasur'd: devoid of the treasure
8 roynish: scurvy