Page:Aristopia (1895).pdf/35

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majority of the council seemed possessed by the demon of folly, and overruled all wise counsels. Through exposure while houseless, but much more through their folly and recklessness, nearly half of the colonists died between the arrival of the Sea Gull and that of the Phœnix.

Ralph Morton, by his prudent care of himself, kept in good health. The colonists were made to labor on the public works only six hours a day, and Ralph soon became inured to this. Much of his spare time was spent in learning the language of the Powhatans. He first learned what he could from Captain Smith, and especially that key to learning of those who understand nothing of the learner's language, the question, "What do you call this?" in the Powhatan language, "Kakatorawines yowo?" Then he took for his teacher an Indian boy whom Powhatan had given as hostage to Newport on the latter's visit to Werowocomoco. This boy's name was Namontack, and he was a shrewd and intelligent fellow.

The colonists succeeded in getting about thirty acres cleared and planted in good season with Indian corn. Near the end of cornplanting the Phœnix arrived, bringing about