Page:Aristopia (1895).pdf/111

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rapidly improving both in the workmanship and size of their vessels.

James Morton was to make his headquarters in Bristol, then the second city in England. Edward Morton was to go to Holland, with headquarters at Amsterdam. Numerous agents were to be appointed to procure emigrants in Holland, Denmark, and Germany. The agents were to receive a premium for each desirable emigrant furnished, and suffer a penalty for each emigrant they sent of a prohibited class. No criminals, beggars, or habitual paupers were to be sent, no cripples nor permanent invalids unless they belonged to the family of some emigrant to Mortonia, bound for their support. No person over fifty years old would be accepted unless such person was the parent of some emigrant to Mortonia bound to the parent's support. No person suffering from, or known or suspected to be infected with, smallpox or other plague was to be shipped.

There were at that time in Holland a number of English emigrants called Brownists, who had left their native land because they could not make all England adopt their religous notions, and had been roughly used for their sublime efforts to do so. Not understanding the Dutch