Page:Anthony John (IA anthonyjohn00jero).pdf/94

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people really did believe all that they say they believe.

He wished he hadn't said it, for the old gentleman sat silent for what seemed quite a long time.

"What did they answer him?" he asked at length. "Did he tell you?"

"He said they never did answer him that," replied Anthony.

The vicar looked at him across the green baize.

"There isn't any answer," he said. "Your uncle had us there."

"I dreamed of it once." The light was fading; maybe he forgot that young Anthony was sitting there over against him in the shadows. "Living for Christ, taking no thought of aught else. What ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink or wherewithal ye shall be clothed. It's a big thing—Believing."

He seemed to have become aware again of the boy sitting there half hidden by the shadows.

"Most of us, Strong'nth'arm," he said, "think that all we've got to do is to sing about it, to repeat it in the proper places. It isn't enough. Take up thy cross and follow me. That's where the trouble begins. Easy enough to worship it with folded hands. It is taking it up, carrying it with bowed head and aching shoulders, that's the bother of it."