Page:Anna Karenina.djvu/905

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standpoint of capital, wages, and rent, though he was obliged to confess that for the eastern and by far the greater part of Russia, there was no such thing as rent; that for nine-tenths of Russia's eighty millions, wages consisted in a bare subsistence, and the capital did not yet exist, except as it was represented by the most primitive tools. Although Metrof differed from other political economists, in many ways he regarded the laborer from this point of view, and he had a new theory as to wages, which he demonstrated at length.

Levin listened with some disgust, and tried to reply. He wanted to interrupt Metrof, in order to express his own opinions, which he felt deserved to be heard at far greater length. But, finally recognizing that they looked on the subject from such a radically opposite standpoint that they could never understand each other, he no longer tried to refute him, he let Metrof talk, and only listened. Though he was not at all interested in what he said, nevertheless he experienced a certain pleasure in listening to him. He was flattered that such a learned man would condescend to give him the benefit of his thoughts, sometimes by a hint pointing to a complete phase of the subject, and showing him so much deference as to one thoroughly versed in the subject. He ascribed this to his own merits; he did not know that Metrof, having talked this over with all his own intimates on this subject, was glad to have a new auditor; and, moreover, that he liked to talk with any one on the subjects that occupied him, so as to elucidate certain points for his own benefit.

"We shall be late," remarked Katavasof, consulting his watch as soon as Metrof had concluded his argument. "Yes! there is a special session to-day of the 'Society of Friends'[1] in honor of the semi-centennial of Svintitch," he added, in reply to Levin's question. "We meet at the house of Piotr Ivanuitch; I promised to speak on his work in zoology. Come with us; it will be interesting."

"Yes, it is high time," said Metrof. "Come with us,

  1. Obshchestvo Liubitelye.