Page:Anna Karenina.djvu/82

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clearly as if she herself had confessed it to him. But what sort of a man was he?

Now—whether it was wise or foolish—Levin could not help remaining; he must find out for himself what sort of a man it was that she loved.

There are men who, on meeting a fortunate rival, are immediately disposed to deny that there is any good in him and see only evil in him; others, on the contrary, endeavor to discover nothing but the merits that have won him his success, and with sore hearts to attribute to him nothing but good. Levin belonged to the latter class. It was not hard for him to discover what amiable and attractive qualities Vronsky possessed. They were apparent at a glance. He was dark, of medium stature, and well proportioned; his face was handsome, calm, and friendly; everything about his person, from his black, short-cut hair, and his freshly shaven chin, to his new, well-fitting uniform, was simple and perfectly elegant. Vronsky allowed the lady to pass before him, then he approached the princess, and finally came to Kitty. As he drew near her, his beautiful eyes shone with deeper tenderness, and with a smile expressive of joy mingled with triumph,—so it seemed to Levin,—he bowed respectfully and with dignity and offered her his small, wide hand. After greeting them all and speaking a few words, he sat down without having seen Levin, who never once took his eyes from him.

"Allow me to make you acquainted," said the princess, turning to Levin: "Konstantin Dmitrievitch Levin, Count Alekseï Kirillovitch Vronsky."

Vronsky arose, and, with a friendly look into Levin's eyes, shook hands with him.

"It seems," said he, with his frank and pleasant smile, "that I was to have had the honor of dining with you this winter; but you went off unexpectedly to the country."

"Konstantin Dmitritch despises and shuns the city, and us, its denizens," said the Countess Nordstone.

"It must be that my words impress you deeply, since you remember them so well," said Levin; and, perceiv-