Page:Ancient and modern history of Buck-haven in Fife-shire (4).pdf/16

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born of a woman, filthy barbarian brute it t'ou iſ ſetting your muckle iron Jufe on a my bairns wee

fittie, od ſtir, I'll rive the hair out o' your head gripping the horſe by the mane and the twa lugs, cuffing his chafts as if he had been her fellow creature crying, be-go laddie, I'll gar you as good, I'll tak you before Wiſe Willie de bailie, and he will cut off your hand wi' de iron lufe, and dan ye'll be cripple and gang through the kintry in a barraw, or on twa ſhule ſtaffs like Rab the Randy, an a meal pock about your neck; her neighbour wife hearing and ſeeing what paſt, cries a you fool taupy, what gars you ſay that a 'orſe was born of a woman, do you think dat a horſe has a fadder or a midder like you or me or ony ither body about; a what way do they come to de warld dan? A ye fool taupy divna they whale like the louſes, ae auld 'orſe hobles on a nidder ane back, and dat whalps a young 'orſe; Goſh woman it wad be ill far'd to ſee a woman ſitting wi' a young 'orſe on her knee, dighting its arſe, and gieing it da pap.

The next occaſion was Lang Sandy and Roliching Jenny's wedding: which held three days and twa nights
