Page:Ancient and modern history of Buck-haven in Fife-shire (4).pdf/11

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Buch-haven in Fife-ſhire.

Jan. A deed ſtir, it was gotten amang the black-ſtanes, at the cheek o' the crab holes.

Meſs John ſtares at her, not knowing the place, but ſome of the elders did; then faid he, o Janet! but the devil was buſy with you at that time.

Jan.) A by my figs ſtir that's a great lie ye're telling now, for the de'il was na there about, it I ſaw nor naebody elſe, to bid us do either ae thing or anither, we lood ither unco weil for a lang time before that, and ſyne we tell'd ither, and greed to marry ither like ither honeſt fouk, than mightna we learn to do the thing married fouks does without the de'il helping us.

Whiſt, whiſt, cried they, ye ſhould be ſcourged fauſe loun quean it thou is, ye're ſpeaking nonſenſe.

Jan. De de'il's in de carles for you and your miniſter is liars, when ye ſay it de de'il was helping Sandy an me to get de bairn.

Come, come, ſaid they, pay down the kirk dues, and come back to the ſtool the morn, four pund and a groat to the bell-man.

Jan. The auld thief ſpeed the dearth o't ſtir, for leſs might fair you and your bell-man baith, O but

