Page:Anacalypsis vol 1.djvu/108

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the jods were also disposed in the form of a crown, thus (Symbol missingsymbol characters), to signify the mystical name of Jehovah or Ieue. The reader may refer to the Œdipus Ægyp. Vol. II. Cap. ii. pp. 114, 115, where he will find the authorities at length, and where, among the reasons given by the father to prove the Christian Trinity, is proof enough of that of the Jews. He will find also an observation of Galatinus’s that the three letters יהו ieu were the symbol of Jehovah, an observation made by me in the Celtic Druids,[1] though for a different reason, and accounted for in a different manner; but the fact is admitted. The cross here seems to be united to the Trinity—but more of this hereafter.

Dr. Alix, on Gen. i. 10, says, that the Cabalists constantly added the letter jod, being the first letter of the word Ieue to the word Aleim for the sake of a mystery. The Rabbi Bechai says, it is to shew that there is a divinity in each person included in the word.[2] This is, no doubt, part of the Cabala, or esoteric religion of the Jews. Maimonides says, the vulgar Jews were forbidden to read the history of the creation, for fear it should lead them into idolatry;[3] probably for fear they should worship the Trimurti of India, or the Trinity of Persia. The fear evidently shews, that the fearful persons thought there was a plurality in Genesis.

6. It is a very common practice with the priests not always to translate a word, but sometimes to leave it in the original, and sometimes to translate it as it may suit their purpose: sometimes one, sometimes the other. Thus they use the word Messiah or Anointed as they find it best serves their object. Thus, again, it is with the word El, in numerous places. For instance, in Gen. xxviii. 19, And he called the name of the place Beth-el, instead of he called the place The House of the Sun. The word Beth means House, and El Sun.[4]

“Ai was situated between Bith-Avon (read Bith-On) and Bith-El; and these were temples of the Sun, under his different titles of On and El.”[5]

Speaking of the word Jabneel, Sir W. Drummond says, “El, in the composition of these Canaanite names does not signify Deus but Sol.”[6] This confirms what I have before observed from Parkhurst.

“Thus Kabzeel, literally means The Congregation of the Sun.”[7]

“Messiah-El a manifest corruption of the word Messiah—The Anointed of El, or the Sun.[8]

“Carmel, The Vine of El, or of the Sun.”[9]

“Migdal-El Horem, The Station of the Burning Sun.”[10]

“Amraphel, Ammon, or the Sun in Aries, here denominated Amraphel, Agnus Mirabilis.”[11]

“El-tolad signifies the Sun, or The God of Generation.”[12]

In all the above-named examples the word El ought to be written Al. In the original it is אל Al; and this word means the God Mithra, the Sun, as the Preserver or Saviour.

  1. Ch. v. Sect. xxxviii.
  2. Maur. Ind. Ant. Vol. IV. p. 86.
  3. Ibid. p. 89.
  4. See Œdip. Jud. p. 250.
  5. Ibid. p. 221.
  6. Ibid. p. 270.
  7. Ibid. p. 272.
  8. Ibid. p. 280.
  9. Ibid. p. 334.
  10. Ibid. 338.
  11. Ibid. p. 76.
  12. Ibid. p. 286.