Page:An epic of women and other poems (IA epicofwomenother00osha).pdf/185

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Behold your eyes are in the stead
            Of these dead,—
Pure seas of looks, with many a shore
            Of worlds more;
Behold, instead of these poor moulds,
            These mere casts
In some first clay—no stuff that holds
            Love that lasts—

Why! life—that love; and then its fresh
            Robe of flesh,
With—O what chords of sense that thrill
            With love's will,
Unchecked by death or weariness,
            Those dull foes
Of every feeling, more or less,
            The world knows!

In place of all the glassy cheats—
            Your true sweets,
—Of all the lives with which Death plays,
            All the days