Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 8.djvu/461

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more favored spheres. On this one point Miss Briggs is firm, that there shall be no class distinctions made in her house. With the advent of Louise the success of the house was assured. Grasping the true spirit of the work, she supplemented Miss Briggs, by being an example of cleanliness, kindliness, and true economy to the ubiquitous neighbors. Then, too, she took care


of her mistress's physical condition and made it possible for her to accomplish the work of several ordinary women. After two years' service as housekeeper, Louise has gone to study to be a nurse ; but her spirit has descended to her successor, Miss Delia Schultz.

To visit Miss Briggs came her old friends from other parts of the city, from Berkeley, and from Stanford ; and here they met the new friends she had made in the neighborhood. Because this home is one of the most interesting places in the city, the first visit is always only the beginning of many, and one is con-