Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 6.djvu/149

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Wittmann, M. Stellung des hi. Thomas v. Aquin zu Avencebrol, untersucht. Miinster, Aschen- dorff. 79 pp. 8vo. M. 2.75. (Beitrage zur Gesch. der Philos. des Mittelalters.)

8. Family.

Bohme, H. Bekampfung der Prostitution u. der Uimicht im Allgemeinen. Munchen, A. Schupp. 30 pp. i2mo. M. 0.30.

Breton. E. Syphilis et prostitution a Marseille (these). Montpellier, Firmin & Montaine. 56 pp. 8vo.

[Engels, F. Ursprung der Familie, des Privat- eigentums u. dek Staats. Im Anschluss an Lewis H. Morgan's Forschgn. 8. Aufl. Stutt- gart, J. H. W. Dietz. 188 pp. 8vo. M. i.]

Haberkorn, Dr. Die Liebe. Ein Kapitel aus der Menschenchemic. B., Berlin. Verlagsantalt. 20 pp. 8vo. M. i. 20.

Neumann, H. Uneheliche Kinder in Berlin. Jena, G. Fischer. 78 pp. 8vo. M. 2.

Robert-Garils, E. de. Monographic d'une famille et d'un village. La famille de Robert et les Gentilshommes verriers de Gabre. Toulouse, Hbr. E. Privat. 427 pp. 8vo.

9. Finance, Taxation.

Bahrfeldt, E. Miinz- u. Geldwesen der Fiirsten- thiimer Hohenzollern. B., A. Weyl. 184 pp. 8vo. M. 20.

[Conrad, J. Grundriss zum Studium der politi- schen Oekonomie. ?. Tl. Finanzwissenschaft. 2. Aufl. Jena, G. Fischer. 200 pp. M 4.]

Del Mar, A. History of money in America, from the earliest times to the present establishment of the constitution. N. Y., Cambridge Ency- clopedia Co. 121 pp. 8vo. $1.50.

Friedensburg, F. Nachtrage u. Berichtigungen zu Schlesiens Miinzgeschichte im Mittelalter. B., A. Weyl. 36 pp. 8vo. M. 2.

Harvey, W. H. Coin on money, trusts & impe- rialism. C., Coin Pub. Co. 184 pp. i2tno. $i ; paper, $0.25. (Coin's financial ser. V. 6, No. 26.)

Heyn, 0. Irrthiimer auf dem Gebiete des Geld- wesens. B., Puttkammer & Miihlbrecht. 85 pp. 8vo. M. 2.

Hollander, J. H., ed. Studies in state taxation with particular reference to the southern states, by graduates & students of the Johns Hop- kins University, Balto., Johns Hopkins Press. 253 pp. 8vo. $1.25.

Leo, V. Anklagen gegen die Goldwahrung u. die Vorziige des Bimetallismus. B., J. Guttentag. M. 2.

Smart, W. Taxation of land values & single tax. L., Maclehose & Son. 134 pp. 8vo. $0.90.

Verein zum Schutz der deutschen Goldwarung. i. Bd. B., J. Guttentag.

10. History.

Chailley-Bert, J. Java et ses habitants. P., Hbr.

Colin & Cie. 379 pp. i6mo. f. 4. Channing, E. Short history of the U. S., for school

use. N. Y., Macmillan, 1900. 401 pp. i2mo.

$0.90. Dutt, R. C. Civilisation of India. L., J.M. Dent&

Co. 248 pp. i2mo. is.

Ellis, E. S. History of the U. S., from the dis- covery of America to the present time. Ph.,

Syndicate Pub. Co. 6 v. il. por. maps. 410.

$18. Fiske. J. Mississippi valley in the Civil War.

Bo., Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 368 pp. maps.

i2mo. $2. [Franklin, B. Autobiography; Poor Richard;

Letters ; with a critical & biographical introd.

& notes by A. R. Spofford. Aldine ed. N. Y.,

D. Appleton & Co. 401 pp. pi. por. facsim.

8vo. subs. $3. (World's great books.)

Grady, B. F. Case _of the South against the North; or, historical evidence justifying the southern states of American union in their long controversy with the northern states. Raleigh (N. C.), Edwards & Broughton, 1899. 345 pp. 8vo. $i.

Howard, J. R., ed. Historical nuggets: Macau- lay, Stanley, Froude, Fiske, Armstrong, Emerson: the essence & art of history. N. Y., Fords, Howard & Hulbert. 155 pp. por. 2omo. (Nugget ser.)

Lang, A. History of Scotland from the Roman occupation. In 2 v. V. i. N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co. 509 pp. 8vo. $3.50.

Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre. Renovation de 1'Asie: Siberie. Chine, Japon. P., Colin & Cie. 483 pp. i6mo. f. 4.

McClure, A. K. Our presidents & how we make them. N. Y., Harper & Bros. 418 pp. 8vo. $12.

Shaw, J. Scotch-Iiish in history, as master build- ers of empires, states, churches, schools & civilisation. L., Simpkin, Marshall & Co. 438 pp. 8vo. 6s.

Smith, E. England & America after independ- ence: exam, of their international intercourse, 1783-1872. 400 pp. 8vo. 145.

ii. Labor.

Anitchkow, M. Krieg u. Arbeit. B., Puttkam- mer & Miihlbrecht. 604 pp. 8vo. M. 10.

Candee, H. C. How women may earn a living. L., Macmillan Co. i2mo. 45. 6d.

Eberstadt, R. Ursprung des Zunftwesen u. die alteren Handwerkerverbande des Mittelalters. Lp., Duncker & Humblot. M. 3.60.

Fould, C. De la resiliation du louage de services a duree indeterminee (these). P., libr, Rous- seau. 146 pp. 8vo.

Great Britain. Friendly societies, industrial & provident societies & trade unions. Reports for 1898. Pt. B. Appendix L. Industrial & provident societies. L., Eyre & Spottiswoode. is. 8d.

Hitze. F. Arbeiterfrage u. die Bestrebungen zu ihrer Losung. Nebst Anlage: Die Arbeiterfrage im Lichte der Statistik. B., Germania in Komm. 165, 46 u. 19 pp. 8vo. M. i.

Lloyd. H. D. Country without strikes: a visit to the compulsory arbitration court of New Zea- land. N. Y.. Doubleday, Page & Co. 183 pp. i2mo. $i.

Lubin, D. Let there be light . . . . workingman's club .... search for causes of poverty (see 17.)

Munchen Arbeiter-Sekretariat. Jahresbericht 2. Geschafts-Bericht des Gewerkschafts-Vereins Munchen. Ubersicht iib. den Stand der Miin- chener Gewerkschafts-Vereinigg. . . Munchen, M. Ernst. M. 0.30.

Nostitz, H. v. Aufsteigen des Arbeiterstandes in England. Beitrag zur socialen Geschichte der Gegenwait. Jena, G. Fischer. 808 pp. 8vo. M. 18.

Serafini, Pas. Lavoro della donna nell' economia della nazione. Civitanova-Marche, tip. Mar- chigiana. 157 pp. 8vo. L. 2.

[Sociale Rundschau. Hrsg. vom arbeitsstatist. Amte im k. k. Handelsministerium. i. Jahrg. 1900. 12 Hefte. (i. u. 2. Hfte. 273 u. gewerbe- gerichtl. Entscheidgn, 32 pp. 8vo.) Wien, A. Holder. M. 2.]

Rosemeier, H. Arbeiter im 19. Jahrh. (see Am Ende, in 18.)

Zwiedineck-Sudenhorst, O. v. Lohnpolitik u. Lohntheorie m. besond. Beriicksicht. des Minimallohns. Lp., Duricker & Humblot. M. 8.40.

12. Political Economy.

American economic association. Papers & pro- ceedings of the i2th annual meeting, Ithaca,