Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/335

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Dr. Gladden did not mean, I am sure, in emphasizing the ethics of the Sermon on the Mount to disparage the dynamic force in the person and work of Christ. When will we ever cease falsely to discriminate between ethics and religion? This breach in the ethical relationship of the industrial world cannot be bridged cheaply. Only by a vicarious incarnation of the ethics of the cross of Christ, in the flesh and blood of its members, can the church span that chasm. Do not, for Christ's sake and brother-man's, too hastily criticise the men who are standing in that breach to reconcile men to each other and to God. I believe that there is an ethical revival of religion at hand, a revival of the religion of relationship to God that will express itself in the brotherhood relationship to men. Can anyone deny that it is needed? Must not all of us admit that the evangelical movement is, for the present at least, experiencing a decided check? Is it loyal, do you think, to blink the facts? Does not loyalty to the church demand that we face the worst and do our best? Let me again repudiate any intention of being unjust to the churches of today or of the past. But, brethren, we must be honest even in religion, where, perhaps, it is hardest to keep the Golden Rule. There is more Christianity in solution than has been precipitated in conventional expression or crystallized in ecclesiastical form. Let us recognize the footfall of the Holy Spirit to be in advance of us all