Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 3.djvu/120

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United States Special Consular Report, 1893, Vagrancy and Public Charities in Foreign Countries.

Very valuable. Report from Germany gives account of German labor colonies.


1. General topic: The Saloon Question. References :

Cyclopedia of Temperance and Prohibition (New York, Funk & Wag- nails, 1891).

Very valuable for facts as to the history and present status of the question.

Ely, Labor Movement in America (New York, Crowell, 1886). Appen- dix II.

Discusses the attractions of the saloon and the lack of counter attractions.

Gould, Popular Control of the Liquor Traffic (London, Cassell, 1894). Valuable for facts and as an exposition of the Gothenburg system of control.

Mitchell, The Drink Question (London, Swan, 1891). Discusses the physiological side.

Peabody, Substitutes for the Saloon (Forum, July 1 896).

Embodies results of investigations instigated by the " Committee of Fifty" as to the saloon question in Boston, and is a most valuable contribution.

Warner, American Charities, chs. I and 2.

Finds the drink evil a less cause of poverty than commonly supposed.

White, Problems of a Great City (London, Remington, 1895), ch. 8. A suggestive chapter on this subject.

2. Special Reports on Local Saloons.

Ascertain their number and show their position on a map. Study their location in relation to the homes of laboring men. Examine their meth- ods of securing trade. To what legitimate wants do they minister ? Consider the standing of saloonkeepers among business men and in politics.

3. General discussion.


I. General topic : The Church. References :

Abbott, Christianity and Social Problems (Boston, Houghton, 1896). Points out the duty of the church in regard to social problems.