Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 2.djvu/771

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Gibbs. H. C. A bimetallic primer. Ed. 3, rev.

London, E. Wilson. 120 pp. 8vo. is. Graziani, Aug. Instituzioni di scienza delle finanze.

Torino, fratelli Bocca edit. ( Firenze, tip. Luigi

Niccolai). 715 pp. 8vo. L. 12. Greciano, Paul. Du role de 1'Etat en matiere monc-

taire. Histoire de la monnaie ; le monometal-

lisme-or, les crises monetaires. Paris, lib. A.

Rousseau. 336 pp. 8vo. Laughlin, J. L. History of bimetallism in the

United States. New ed., il. pi. N. Y., Ap-

pleton. $2.25. Lexis, W. The present monetary situation, tr. by

J. Cummings. (Economic studies. Vol. i, No.

4.) N. Y., The Macmillan Co. (for the Am.

Econ. Assoc.). Lorini, Eteocle. La moneta e il principio del costo

comparativo. (Roma, tip. dell* Unione cooper-

ativa editrice.) 420 pp. L. 10. Macmaster, J. S. Summary of special commercial

decisions affecting the banker, from reports of

the highest courts of the several states. N.

Y.,J.S. McMaster. 56 pp. 8vo. $i. Marburg, Theodore. The world's money problem,

Pt. i, reprinted from the Baltimore Ameri- can. Balto., Gushing & Go. 61 pp. i6mo.

i$c. Mase-Dari, E. La imposta progressiva : indagini

di storia e d'economia della finanza. Tonno,

fratelli Bocca edit. 750 pp. 8vo. L. 12. New York. Taxes: how assessed & collected; a

handbook for assessors, collectors, & lawyers.

N. Y., I. N. Drake. 365 pp. 8yo. $3.50. Onstad, E. J., and others (students in University

of Wisconsin J. The truth about money; a

practical & impartial investigation of the

money question, nthed. Milwaukee, Wis.,

H. E. Haferkorn. 288 pp. iamo. 250. Plehn, G. G. Introduction to public finance.

London, The Macmillan Co. 376 pp. 8vo.

6s. 6d. Rothwell, R. P. Universal bimetallism & an

international monetary clearing house. 2d ed.

N. Y., Scientific Pub. Co. 8vo. $5. Rozenraad, C. The financial & monetary situation

in the United States. London, Henry & Co.

32 pp. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Say, Lfon. Les finances. Paris, lib. Ghailley.

284 pp. i6mo. Schriften des deutschen Bimetallistenbundes. 22

Heft. Berlin, H. Walther. 32 pp. 8vo.

M. 0.30. Schwartz, Otto. Staatsschuldentilgung in den

grossercn europaischen u. deutschen Staaten.

Ein Beitrag zur Losg. der Frage: Freie Schul-

dentilgg. od. Zwangstilgg. Berlin, G. Hey-

mann s Verl. 90 S. 8vo. M. 2. Stourm. Rene. Cours des finances. Le Budget.

Ed. 3. Paris, Guillaumin & Cie. 658 pp.

8vo. Tourgce, Albion W. The war of the standards:

coin & credit vs. coin without credit. N. Y.,

G. P. Putnam's Sons. 130 pp. i6mo. 75C.

History: France.

Adams, G. B. The growth of the French nation. Meadville, Pa., Ghatitatiqua Century Press. 350 pp., il. i6mo. $i.

ire 1897 de Pecole pratique des hautes eludes. Section des sciences historiques et philok> giques. Paris, imp. nationalc. 144 pp. 8vo. rgcois, Emilc. The century of Ix>uis XIV: its arts; its ideas. London, Low. 498 pp. imp. 8vo. 52*. 6d.

Carlylr, Thomas. The French Revolution ; a his- tory. Vol. i. The Bastile. London, Chap- man & Hall. 989 pp., portraits. 8vo. 3*. 6d.

Doris, C. Secret memoirs of Napoleon by one

who never quitted his side for 15 years. N. Y.,

C. Scribne^s Sons. 367 pp. 8vo. $3. Duruy, Victor. A history of France : abridged &

tr. from the i7th French ed., by Mrs. M.

Carey, with continuation to 1890 by I. F.

Jameson. N. Y., T. Y. Crowell & Co. a

vols. 712 pp. i6mo. $3. Geoffroy de Grandmaison. Napoleon et ses r-

centes historiens. 356 pp. Paris, lib. Perrin

& Cie. 356 pp. i6mo.

Grimaud, Henri. Inventoire analytique des ar- chives communales de Chinon anterieurs a

1790. Chinon, imp. Dehaies. 101 pp. 8vo. Harle, D. La Jacquerie: ses origines, son devel-

oppement dans le Beauvaisis. Beauvais, Imd.

centrale administrative. Lacroix, D. Les marechaux de Napoleon. Paris,

lib. Gamier freres. 430 pp. lomo. Laurent, P. M. Napoleon I. 8-17 Lfg. Basel,

Koehler. M. i. L'Eleu, Andre. Des cpmmunantes rurales dans

1'ancienne France jusqu'a la fin du 13 siecle

(these). Paris, A. Rousseau. 173 pp. 8vo. Lenotre, G. Paris revolutionaire. Nouv. ed. il.

de plans et dessins. Paris, Perrin & Cie. 391

pp. Luce, S. Histoire du Bertrand du Guesclin et de

son epoque. Ed. 3. Paris, Hachette & Cie.

424 pp. i6mo. fr. 3.50. Michelet, J. CEuvres completes. Histoire de

France. Edition definitive, revue et corrigee.

T. 13: Louis XIV et le Due de Bourgogne.

Paris, lib. Flammarion. 400 pp. 8vo. fr. 7.50. Schubart, P. Die Verfassung u. Verwaltung des

deutschen Reiches u. des Preussischen Staates

in gedrangter Darstellung. 12 Aufl. Breslau,

W.G.Horn. 212 u. 408. 8vo. M. 1.60. See, H. Etude sur les classes nirales en Bretagne

au moyen age. Paris, Picard & fils. 135 pp.

8vo. Thibaudeau, A. R. H. Mes souvenirs sur les

principaux evenements de la Revolution, prin-

cipalemem ceux du departement de la Vienne.

Poitiers, imp. Blais, Roy & Cie. 260 pp.

8vo. Trochu, General. CEuvres posthumes: Vol. i, le

siege de Paris ; Vol. 2, la socicte, 1'etat, 1'armce ;

1 histoire anecdotique. Tours, lib. Mame &

fils. 663 & 403 pp. 8vo. fr. 15. Vandam, A. D. Undercurrents of the second

Empire; notes and recollections. N. Y., G.

P. Putnam's Sons. 432 pp. 8vo. $2.50.

History: General Works.

Andrews, C. M. The historical development of modern Europe from the Congress of Vienna to the present time. 2 vols. Vol. i, 1815-1850. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons. 457 pp. 8vo. $2.50. Constant, R. P. Les Juifs devant 1'cglise et 1'his-

1 ;.mme & Cie.

Funck-Brentano, F. De exercituum commestibus tertiodecimo & quartodccimo sacculis post Christum natum (these). Paris, lib. H. Cham-

i. 125 pp. 8vo. Hellwald, F. v. Kulturgeschichte. 4 Aufl. 12-18

Ug. Leipiig, Fricsenhahn. .. Lord, J. Beacon lights of history, Vol. 8. Nine- teenth century writers. N. V., Fords, Howard & Hulburt. 992 + 326 pp. 8vo. $2.50. Lord. J. A modern history from

to the ia!l ..I N.i|ilcon. 1'hila.. 1).

Kay. 544 pp. umo. $1.15.

Monumenta Germaniic historica. Poetamm lati-

norum mrdii .-cvi ; tomi 3, partis a, fasc. a.

Imann, 517-8238. 4 to. M. n.