Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 2.djvu/352

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(For general statistical information about labor ftt BDL., BOX., LG.) (Stf also Arbitra tion.) Land question : Bibliography of literature dealing

with the land question, T. E. Will, A., Ag. Law : The mixed courts of Egypt, W. E. Grigsby.

LQR..J1. Progress of the law, Ardemus Stewart, ALRR.,

The equalization of opportunities, John Visher,

LH., Jl. (Set also Biography.)

titutes for the saloon, F. G.

Literature: Present condition of literary production,

Liquor question : Substitutes Pcabody, F., Jl.

Paul Shorey, Atlantic Monthly, Ag. Man, see Anthropology. Marriage: The matrimonial market, Edward Gary,

F., Ag.

Municipal government, see Cities. Philosophy: Trancendentalism & materialism,

Emma M. Caillard, CoR., Jl. Philosophical terminology & its

history, M.,

Origin & import of the idea of causality, M.,

The reflex arc concept in psychology, John

Dewey, PsR., Jl.

Troisieme centenaire de la naissance de Descartes, RMM., Jl. (A group of articles on Descartes & his work.)

Physiology, see Education. Political Economy : Theory of economic progress,

Altruism in economics, \V. H. Mallock, F., Ag. Les deux tendencies de 1'economie politique,

Edmond Demoulins, SS., Je. L'idealisme en economic politique, Denys

Cochin, Ref.S., Jl. i. L'avenement du regime economique moderne

au sein des campagnes, Maxime Kovalewsky,

Je. Entstehen und Werden der physiokratischen The-

orie, VSV., 5:123.

Is Japanese competition a myth ? NAR., Ag. Political Science: The beginnings of town life in

the middle ages, W. J. Ashley, QJE., Jl. The federation movement in Australia, Edward

Braddon, NC., Jl. The matriarchal family system, E. B. Tylor,

NC., Jl. Un dernier mot sur la souverainete politique,

Rene de Kerallain, RefS., Je. 15. The unpopularity of the House of Commons, T.

Mackay, National Review, Jl. Politics: Jefferson & his party today, W. E.

Russell, F.,TL Mr. Cleveland's second administration, G. W.

Green, F., Jl. The presidential outlook as Europeans view it,

Paul LeroyBeaulieu, F., Jl. The West & the East, C. S. Gleed, F., Ag. Imperative reasons for Republican control, J. S.

Morrill, F., Ag.

The Chicago platform, GM., Ag. The Republican convention, GM., Jl. La machine politique en France, Leon Poinsard.

SS., Je. (For summary of politics, national, international,

see DR., RPP., RRA.) Population: Movement of population in France,

C. W. Chancellor, S..JI.

Psychology: The holiness of instinct, Woods

Hutcninson, M., Jl. On musical memory, AJP., Jl. On mental fatigue & recovery, W. H. R. Rivers,


Railroads: State ownership of railroads, GM,, Jl. The turning point in railway reforms, M. E.

Ingalls, EM., Jl. Religion: Catholic missions in Africa, J. T.

Murphy, ACQ., Jl. Rome or naturalism, A CO., Jl. Is there another life? Goldwin Smith, T., Jl. Sanitary Science : The science of change of air, Louis Robinson, M.D., National Review, Jl. Science : Early years of the American Association,

Wm. H. Hale, PSM., Ag. Science at the University of Pennsylvania,

L. R. Harley, PSM., Agf A century's progress in science, John Fiske,

Atlantic Monthly, Jl.

Science & faith, II, Paul Topinard, M., Jl. Settlements: A social settlement, Annie L.

Muzzey, A., Ag.

Socialism: Le socialisme dans les colonies aus-

traliennes, Pierre Leroy-Beaulieu,RefS.,

Beitrage zur Geschichte des Socialismus und des

Kommunismus. H. Dietzel, VSV. Le socialisme en 1806, G. du Puynode, JEc.,

Je. 15. Le socialisme municipal en Angleterre, G. Fran-

gois, JEc., Je. 15. (See also biography.) Social movements: (For social movements see

RefS.,RiS..RIS.,SS.) Social organism: L'organisme social, R. P. An-

toine, AC., Je.-Jl.

Societies: La societe d'economie sociale et les

Uni9ns en 1895-96. A. Delaire, Ref.S. Jl.

(For information as to the meetings of educa-

tional and scientific societies see Sc. , Nt.) Sociology. Philosophic sociale, Ch. Delron, AC.,

Music from the standpoint of sociology,

Chautauquan, Jl. La geographic sociale de la France, Edmond

Demoulins, SS., Jl.

Darwinisme social, Achille Loria, RQS., Je. Die soziale Metaphysik, G. Fiamingo, VSV. Ethical aspects of social science, L. F. Ward,

IJE.,J1. Sweating system. Sweating system in New York

city, J. M. Mayers, GM., Ag. Taxation. Principles of Taxation, D. A. Wells,


History of taxation in Connecticut, JHS., Ag. Land taxation in Japan, GM., Jl. L'imposta progressiva, Francesco Suvrea,

United States. The United States and the Anglo- Saxon future, G. B.Adams, Atlantic Monthly, Je.

Water supply. The filtration of municipal water

supplies, EM., Jl. Purification of public water supplies, G. W. Rohe,

Wealth. Le rolede la richesse dans la vie sociale,

L. Delron, AC., Je. Women. The woman movement in Germany,

Mrs. Bertrand Russell, NC., Jl. Women in society today, AEU Hilles, A., Jl. A group of eminent American women, Eugene L. Didier, Chautauqua, Jl.