Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 2.djvu/242

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Study the character of the scholars and apply these personal ideals to their lives. Make continual expression of your love for nature, and of the greatness and power and love possessed by the God-life which you feel to be in nature. Express your longing to become perfectly obedient to the voice of conscience.

BOYS' AND GIRLS' DEPARTMENT. About 10 to 12 years of age. Class B. Ethical Ideals.

raphical studies of the youth of men and women who illustrate the fulfillment of the ideals of the school. Example. Abraham Lincoln.

strong, unselfish, conscientious,

intelligent, truthful, brave,

thoughtful, useful, Religious Ideas .

The earth has grown from a ball of fire to its present state, and the God- life has controlled its growth. The God-life is through and through all the universe, and is to be trusted and obeyed. Study the religious experiences of the men and women chosen to illustrate the ethical ideals Class A. Ethical Ideals.

Biographical study of the lives of Jesus and his apostles. Religious ideas.

The religious ideas and experiences of Jesus and his apostles. SENIOR DEPARTMENT. About 12 to 14 years of age. Class B. Ethical Ideals.

A discussion, systematic and thorough, of the ideals of the school, obedient, strong, useful,

respectful, industrious, brave,

helpful, skillful, conscientious,

generous, intelligent, self-controlled,

loving, thoughtful, ambitious men and women,

truthful, unselfish,

Religious Ideas.

The meaning of all important common religious terms and phrases. Class A. Ethical Ideals.

Discussion of the question : For what is it worth while to live ? Is it worth while to live according to conscience and one's highest ideals ? A systematic discussion of fundamental religious ideas. NOTE. Only those who do the work satisfactorily are allowed to remain members of the school, and only those who do the last two years intelligently and earnestly are allowed to graduate. A cer- tificate of graduation is given.