Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 2.djvu/170

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The facts for most of the characterizations below were obtained from the editors. The charac- terizations of those periodicals for which no such information has been received are based mainly on inspection of the files. Characterizations of the latter class are bracketed.

The classification of periodicals into Technical Sociology, Political Economy, etc., is necessarily only approximately correct ; but this defect will be remedied by the index of journals in the last number of each volume and by a full alphabetical list of journals characterized when the list is completed.

Economic Journal: First number, March 1891. Quarterly, 4 numbers. Per vol., 700 pp. Present vol. (January 1896) is No. 5. 2os. Macmillan & Co., New York and London. Back numbers complete. Edited by F. Y. Edgeworth and Henry Higgs. Official organ of the British Economic Association. Estimate of its editors : Its field, the science of economics as a whole ; no particular tendency ; scientific and impartial.

Economic Review : First number, January 1891. Quarterly, 4 numbers. Per vol., 600 pp. Present vol. (January 1896) is No. 6. IDS. Rivington, Percival & Co., London. A few of the back numbers are out of print. Of these, January-April 1891, can be obtained of E. Buckle, 60 Stanhope street, London, W. C. Edited by Rev. J. Carter, Rev. L. R. Phelps, and Rev. H. Rashdall. Owned and managed by the Oxford University branch of the Christian Social Union. Estimate by its editors : Discusses economic, social and Christian problems ; practical and definitely Chris- tian ; especially valuable for summaries of legislation and official reports, and its arti- cles on commercial morality and the function of the church in regard to social questions.

Giornale degli Economisti : First number, April 1875. Monthly at present; bi-monthly previous to June 1890. 6 numbers, per vol., 780 pp. Present vol. is No. 12 of second series, beginning July 1890. 25 fr. Prof. M. Pantaleoni, 37 via Nazio- nale, Rome. The file of back numbers for the first series very incomplete and of the second series not quite complete. Edited by A. de Viti de Marco, and M. Panta- leoni, with the cooperation of U. Mazzala and A. Tarli. Estimate of its editor : Its field, economics, pure and applied; finance and statistics; since 1890 has championed individualism, economic liberty, and classical political economy ; especially distin- guished by its theoretical work in mathematical economics.

Gunton's Magazine: Till January 1896 was called the Social Economist, number, March 1891. Monthly. 6 numbers, per vol., 480 pp. Present vol. (January 1896) is No. 10. $2. Political Science Pub. Co., Union square, New York. Back numbers complete. Edited by George Gunton, President of the School of Social Kconomics, with the cooperation of the faculty. Estimate of its editor : Its field, economics, statesmanship and sociology, applied rather than theoretic; stands for the American as distinguished from the English school of economics ; distinguished by its scientific treatment of the protective principle, wages question and banking.

Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung, Vervaltung und Volkswirthschaft in Deut- schen Reich :- (Formerly Jahr. f. Gesetzgeb. Verwaltung u. Rechtspflege des deuts. Reich. First number, 1876. M. 6. Duncker and Humblot, Leipzig. Edited by G. Schmoller. Field and function indicated by its title; valuable also for reviews and lists of new publications).

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