Page:American Journal of Psychology Volume 21.djvu/253

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  Husband Wife Difference
VI. Relations of the verb to the subject or complement 15 .5 0 .5 15 .
VII. Designation of time, etc. 11 . - 11 .
VIII. Definition 11 . - 11 .
IX. Coexistence 1 .5 - 1 .5
X. Identity 0 .5 0 .5 -
XI. Motor-speech combination 12 . - 12
XII. Composition of words - - -
XIII. Completion of words - - -
XIV. Clang associations - - -
XV. Defective reactions - - -

Total, - - 173 .5
Average difference 173 .5

= 11.5

As can be seen from this example, I utilize the difference to show the degree of the analogy. In order to find a base for the total resemblance I have calculated the differences among all of Miss Fürst’s test persons not related among themselves by comparing every female test person with all the other unrelated females; the same has been done for the male test persons.

The most marked difference is found in those cases where the two test persons compared have no associative quality in common. All the groups are calculated in percentages, the greatest difference possible being 200/15 = 13.3 %.

I. The average difference of male unrelated test persons is 5.9%, and that of females of the same group is 6%.

II. The average difference between male related test persons is 4.1%, and that between female related test persons is 3.8%. From these numbers we see that relatives show a tendency to agreement in the reaction type.

III. Difference between fathers and children = 4.2.

Difference between mothers and children = 3.5.

The reaction types of children come nearer to the type of the mother than to the father.

IV. Difference between fathers and their sons = 3.1.

Difference between fathers and their daughters = 4.9.

Difference between mothers and their sons = 4.7.

Difference between mothers and their daughters = 3.0.

V. Difference between brothers = 4.7.

Difference between sisters 5.1.

If the married sisters are omitted from the comparison we get the following result:

Difference of unmarried sisters = 3.8.

These observations show distinctly that marriage destroys more or less the original agreement, as the husband belongs to a different type.

The difference between unmarried brothers = 4.8.