Page:American Historical Review vol. 6.djvu/904

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894 Index Edward III., 651, 655, 660-662, 666, 667. Edward the Third, The History of, by James Mackinnon, by Oliver H. Richardson (Review), 125. Eells, Gushing, 279-281, 284, 2S5. Eggleston, Dr. Edward, 414, 417. Eggleston, Edward, The Transit of Civ- ilization from England to America in the Seventeenth Century, by BARRETT Wendell (Review), 802. Egle, Dr. W. H. (deceased), 869. Eicken, Heinrich von, 434, 435. Eighteen Years in the Khyber, iSyg-iSgS, by Col. Sir Robert Warburton, by Alfred L. P. Dennis (Review), 569. Elizabeth, Queen, 256. Ely, Richard T., 423 ; address by, 417. Emigrant Aid Societies, 38-41. Encyclopaedia Biblica : A Critical Diction- ary of the Bible, Vol. II., edited by T. K. Cheyne and J. Sutherland Black, by C. H. Toy (Review), 770. England, A History of, for the Use of Schools and Academies, by J. N. Earned and Homer P. Lewis, by Gertrude S. KiMB.-iLL (Review), 348. England, discovery and colonization, by 671, 673; the municipal history of, 650, 669, 670 ; town and county gov- ernment in, 69S-701, 703, 706, 714; trading privileges of, in Turkey, 256- 259. England, The End of Villainage in, by Thomas W. Page, by E. P. Cheyney (Review), 355. England under the Protector Somerset, by A. F. Pollard, by E. P. Cheyney (Re- view), 553. English and Dutch Tnons, The, of Xew Netherland, by Albert E. McKinley, English Church during the Civil Wars and Commonwealth, A History of the, by William A. Shaw, by W. Dawson Johnston (Review), 128. English Common Law in the Early Amer- ican Colonies, by Paul S. Reinsch, by W. M. West (Review), 584. English History, Side Lights on, by Ernest F. Henderson, by W. Davson John- ston (Review), 168. English History, Source-Book of, edited by Elizabeth K. Kendall (Review), 383. English History, Source- Book of, by Guy C. Lee (Review), 384. English History, The Sources and Litera. ttcre of, from the Earliest Times to about 14SS, by Charles Gross, by Edward P. Cheyney (Review), 540. English Political Philosophy from Hobbes to Maine, by William Graham, by James H. Tufts (Review), 360. Erdmannsdorffer, Bernhard (deceased). 868. Ernst, the Archduke, 647. Erondelle, P., translation of Lescarbot by, 6S7. Esopus river, settlements on the, 717-719. Essai sur les Lllumines, 241. Essai sur le Systeme de Politique Etran- gere de J.J, Rousseau, par J. L. Win- denberger, by C. E. Merriam (Re- view), 385. Essays on the Monetary History of the United States, by Charles J. Bullock, by Davis Rich Dewey (Review), 579. Essequibo river, the, 51-55, 57, 59-61. Este, Anne of, 675 ; Hercules of, 675. Esterno, French ambassador at Berlin, 241, ?48 Etude sur l' Histoire Hconomique de la France ( 1760-1789), par Camille Bloch, by Henry E. Bourne (Review), 784. Eufaula, Ala., 39-41. Eugippius, the monk, 634. Europe, Mo lern. Historical Alias of, edited by R. L. Poole, Parts XXVI. , XXVII., (Reviews), 164, 383. Evening Post, the, 448, 452, 453, 463, 465. Everett, Walter Goodnow, Outlines of the History of Religion, by John K. Ingram (Review), 165; Primitive Love and Love-Stories, by Henry T. Finck (Review), loS. Ewart, secretary of the British legation at Berlin, 244, 250, 251. Expansion, The, of the American People, Social and Territorial, by Edwin E. Sparks, by Frederick W. Moore (Review), 805. Faetano, castle of, 639. Fain, U. S. dep.-marshal, 45. Farnham, Charles H., 4 Life of Francis Parkman, by BARRETT WENDELL (Re- view), 376. Famham's Travels, in Oregon, 289, 290. Farrand, Max, 427.