Page:American Historical Review vol. 6.djvu/348

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21. Thursday. Mrs C. went (my H : and ch). with Nabby to Watertown. Nabby din'd at Mrs Hall's. Mrs C. went to Cambridg. return'd and din'd at home, visited p. m. by Deacon Tainter, Mr Payne and Ned Green. 1 went in my Chaise p. m. to Watertown. wrote Letters this Morng by Mr Hyde Carrier to Dr Franklin, Col Hancock, Mrs Hancock, slept and H : at home

22. Fryday. Mrs C. went my H : and ch to Watertown to Billings Tailor about my Cloaths. return'd a. m. Mr. Gannet call'd and din'd with us. I went p. m. my H : and ch to Watertown. slept and H ; at home.

23. Sat : March. I went a. m (my H. and ch) to Watertown. Mrs C. went p. m. (my H : and ch) to Weston Mrs Savage's. Bro't our Plate &c. Slept and H : at home ; we din'd at home.

24. Lord's day. Went my H : and ch. with Mrs C. and Nabby to Watertown. we din'd at D. Fisk's, Nabby at Mrs Cockran's. I pch'd there all day. we return'd home, and sent the chaise back for Nabby who drank Tea at Mrs Halls, slept and Horse at home.

25. Monday. Mrs C. took Nabby in my (H : and ch) to Boston. John Korey carried Katy on the black mare to the same Place. I din'd at home, walk'd p. m. to Mr Payne's, found Mrs Cooper at home on my Return in the Evg. She left Nabby and Katy at home getting our House into Order. They slept at the Mss. Minots.

26. Tuesday. Went with Mrs C. my (H : and ch) to Boston, a melancholy Scene. Many Houses puU'd down by the British Soldiery, the Shops all shut. Marks of Rapine and Plunder evr'y where, we din'd at DJ Bulfinch's with Nabby, Cap't Freeman, Mr Barrell. visited p. m. my House, found all my Beds Bedsteds, Sheets Blankets Quilts and Coverlids, all my China Glass and Crockery Ware, &c &c, plunder' d, 2 Lookin Glasses gone 2 broke, i Dressing Glass gone &c. Mrs C. and I supt and slept at D'rBulfinch's. Nabby and Katy at Mss. Minots. my Horse kept there

27. Wednesday. Went with Mrs C. to our House, procur'd an Order f'm General Green to take Furniture f 'm deserted Houses, agreably to the Leave granted me yesterday on my Petition to Genl. Court,[1] to supply my desolated empty House with Furniture f'm Dwellings left by the Enemies to our Country, remov'd some Things from Paxton's[2] and Richard Smith's[3] House by Aid of M' J. Pollard who saw all that was taken. I din'd at D. Storer's, M"^' C. at her Brother's, Nabby at Minots. bo't a Q' Pork, 52/. M" C. and I slept at D' Bulfinch's. Nabby and Katy at Minots. Horse there.

28. Thursday. All our Family went to Thursday Lect : open'd by D' Eliot. General Washington and all the General Officers present.

  1. Resolves, Mass. III. 30 ; Force's Archives, fourth series, V, 1265.
  2. Charles Paxton, commissioner of the customs in Boston. He was proscribed, banished, and his estate confiscated.
  3. Richard Smith was a protester against the Solemn Lengue and Covenant and an addresser of Hutchinson in 1774.