Page:American Historical Review vol. 6.djvu/334

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Novr. 2. Thursday. Mrs C. and I went my H and ch to Westown. din'd at Mr Savages. Nabby at Mrs Cockran's. return'd to Mr Clark's slept and H. there.

Novr. 3. Friday. Rainy. Our little Family all at home. Br Williams of Sandwich, and M' Curtiss my former Parishioners drank Coffee with us. slept and Horse at home

Novr. 4. Went Mr Clark's Horse to Watertown. din'd with my little Family at home i. e. Mr Clark's. Mr James Dennie and Br Cooper drank Coffee with us. slept and Horse there on Mr Clark's Hay still. In the Evg. my Hay f'm Watertown. 6[1] and 1/2.

Novr. 5. Lord's day. Went to Watertown with Mrs Cooper pch'd all day there, we din'd at Deacon Fisk's. Nabby at home all day. We return'd, in Evg. slept there. Horse on my own Hay.

N. 6. Monday. Our Family at home all day. I visited Mr Payne and Family p. m. Dr Langdon and Mr Wadsworth spent Evg. with me. did not sup. slept and H. at home.

Novr. 7. Tuesday. Went with Mr Calendar my H and ch. to Watertown. Corporation and overseers Meeting. adjourn'd to —————— rainy day. I din'd with Corporation at Coolidge's. Mrs Cooper and my Family at home. slept and H. there.

Novr. 8. Wednesday. Went to Mr Payne's a. m. alone. Welman put one Shoe on my Horse, paid. saw Mr Payne. din'd at home with all my Family. MT Cooper and I visited p. m. Mrs Turell. We all slept, and H at home. Mrs Blanchard slept with us.

Novr. 9. Thursday. Went with Mr Cooper, my H and ch: to Mr Dennies after dining at home with Mrs Blanchard. slept and H: there. Mrs Blanchard slept with Nabby at Mr Clark's

Novr. 10. Friday. Mrs Cooper and I all day at Mr Dennies slept and H: there. Nabby and Mrs Blanchard at Mr Clark's

Novr. 11. Saturday. Went with Mrs Cooper f'm M' Dennies to old Cambridg. din'd with Nabby and Mr Blanchard at M' Clark's We all slept and H. there

Novr. 12. Went with Mr Cooper my H: and ch. to Watertown Nabby and Mrs Blanchard went also. She din'd at Madam Hunts. Mrs Cooper Nabby and I at Mr Fisk's. pch'd all day at Watertown. We all slept and H. at Mr Clark's.

Novr. 13. Mrs Blanchard left us this Morng. Our Family din'd at home. Went with Mrs Cooper, my H: and ch: p. m. to Menomoty.[1] slept and Horse at Mr Cook's.

Novr. 14. Tuesday. Sat out after Breakfast f'm Mr Cook's. call'd at Cooper's Tavern.[2] receiv'd of Mr Phillips White 10£ Lawf. Money

  1. 1.0 1.1 Menotomy.
  2. This tavern, which stood where the Arlington House now stands, was kept by Benjamin Cooper. During the retreat from the fight at Lexington, April 19, 1775, it was entered by British soldiers, "and two aged gentlemen were most barbarously and inhumanly murdered by them." See deposition of Benjamin and Rachel Cooper, in Journ. Prov. Cong. Mass., p. 678.