Page:American Historical Review vol. 6.djvu/320

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3IO Dociiiiicnts Coffee at Sister Cooper's Lodgings. Slept at S. Horse at Russell's. I din'd with Ministers. Nabby at Mr Hall's. June I. Went 8 " Clock with Nabby in my Chaise to Watertown, at wch Time divine Service of Convention begun, and was over wn I reachd Watertown. M' Stevens^ pch'd. went to Convention at Cool- idg's. I drafted a Vote respecting Chaplains, as I did the Address yesterday, din'd at Fowl's with M' John Pitts' &c Nabby at M'" Hunts. 1 visited p. m. Mrs Wendell, Mrs. Phillips and Family. Nabby drank Coffee at Mrs Hall's, slept at S. Horse at Russell's. 2. Friday. Din'd at M' Savages. Visited with M" Cooper M' Law- rence and Family p. m. found on my Return home M' Coburn and Wife, who slept with us. Horse at Russell's. J. Saturday. At home din'd at M' Savages. M" Savage, Ray, Mel- vill &c drank Coffee with us at Nabbys Room Slept at Savages. Horse at Russell's. 4. Pch'd at Weston both parts of the day M' Woodward at Water- town. M' Thaxter' for me at Weston. We dind with Nabby at M' Woodward's. Horse kept all day at M' Josiah Smith's, return' d after Service p. m. to M' S. B'and Sister Cooper and Nabby drank Coffee, and supp'd with us. Slept at M' S. Horse at Russell's. 5. Monday. Went with M" Cooper in my chaise to Billerica : call'd at M' Lawrence's and Pennyman's. last not at home, din'd with Col Thompson at Billerica. drank Coffee with M' Green and Family, at Lincoln, slept at S. Horse at R. 6. Tuesday. We din'd at home. Went with my Wife in our chaise and Nabby and M" Melvill to M' Inches drank Coffee slept at S. Horse at R. 7. Went after Breakfast in my chaise with my Wife to Holliston. bated at Gleason's Framingham. went thro a woody Romantic Way to M' Prentiss's in all 20 Miles. Dind at his House with our dear Friends Capt and Mrs Freeman, slept and Horse kept there. 8. Din'd at Mr Prentiss' with our Friends. sat out early after Dinner, came a shorter and smoother way than we went, bated at Gleason's. drank Coffee at Capt How's at Weston by whom and Mrs How we were most obligingly invited and kind[l]y treated, found at my Return home M' Beton of Concord had sent me a fine Leg of Pork. slept at S. Horse at R. g. Friday. We din'd at home ; Nabby with us, on M' Beton's fine Leg of Pork roasted &c Paid M' Savage in full for our Board to this Day : deducting whole days w'n both of us were absent ; but not single Dinners. Slept at S. Horse at Russell's. 10. Saturd : Advanc'd to M'. Joseph Russell 7 Dollars. Went in my chaise after Breakfast with M" Cooper to Billerica. call'd at M' 'Presumably the Rev., Benjamin Stevens, D. D, (H. C. 1740), of Kittery. , 2 John Pius (H. C. 1757), a merchant of Boston, delegate to the Provincial Con- gress and afterwards a member of the Council. 3 Probably the Rev, Joseph Thaxter (H. C. 1768), chaplain of Colonel Prescott's regiment, and afterwards minister of Edgartown.