Page:American Diplomacy in the Orient - Foster (1903).djvu/519

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nese treaties, 345; fixed in Japanese treaties, 352.

Tatnall, Commodore, part taken by, at battle of the Peiho, 247; famous saying of, 248.

Terranova affair, 40.

Thomas, Admiral, disavows act of cession of Hawaii (1843) to Great Britain, 126.

Tientsin, foreign ministers arrive at, 238; negotiation of treaties of 1858 at, 238; riots at, in 1870, 268; attack on foreigners at, in 1900, 419.

Tokio, name of Yedo changed to, 198.

Trade, overland, of China with Russia, 21; early European, with Japan, 12; of East India Company with China, 22; course of American, with China, 30; conduct of, at Canton, 33; restrictions on, at Canton, 35; regulalations relaxed in China, 41; embarassments of, at Canton, 43; increase of United States, following treaties, 95; Hawaiian, in sandalwood, 101. See also China Trade; Fur Trade; Opium Trade.

Treaty, between Russia and China (1689), 17; between Russia and China (1727), 21; United States, with Siam (1833), 50; United States, with Muscat, 52; exchange of ratifications of United States, with Siam, 54; of peace between Great Britain and China (1842), 71; tariff in Anglo-Chinese (1842), 76; of Wang Hiya, between China and United States (1844), 86; of Wang Hiya, importance of, 89; of France with China (1844), 95; negotiated between Hawaii and United States (1826), 114, 121, 128; forced from Hawaiian government by French authorities (1839), 120; negotiated by Lord Russell with Hawaii under compulsion, 121; criminal trials of foreigners in Hawaii under French, 127; of United States with Hawaii (1849), 128; of United States with Borneo (1850), 142; of Japan with United States (1854), 164; of Japan with Great Britain (1854), 166; of Japan with Russia (1855), 166; of Japan with United States, ratified, 168; of Siam with United States, negotiated by Harris, 172; of Japan with United States (1857), 175; of Japan with United States (1858), 182; of Japan with United States, provisions of, 182; of Japan with Great Britain, Russia, and France (1858), 183; between China and United States (1844), clause relative to revision of, 217; of China with United States (1858), 238, 242; of China with Russia, Great Britain, and France; of China with United States (1868), 265; of China with United States (1880), relating to immigration, 294; of China with United States, prohibiting opium trade, 295; of United States with China (1888), negotiated but not finally ratified, 300; of China with United States (1894), 302; of Korea with Japan (1876), 320; of Korea with United States, 324; of Korea with Great Britain (1883), 327; of Korea with Germany (1883), 327; of Korea with France (1886), 331; of peace between China and Japan (1895), 340; of Japan with United States (1878), 357; of Japan with United States on extradition (1886), 358; of Japan with Great Britain (1894), 361; of Japan with United States (1894) 362; reciprocity, of 1855 and one of 1867, between Hawaii and United States, fail of ratification, 367; reciprocity, between Hawaii and United States (1876), 369; of annexation of Hawaii to United States, negotiated in 1893, 377; same in 1897, 381; joint resolution of annexation, passed July, 1898, 383; of Samoa with United States (1878) and other countries, 389; of China with the powers (1901), 430; text of, between China and powers (September 7, 1901), 441; text of, of China with United States (1894), 450; text of, of Japan with United States (1894), 453; text of, between United States, Germany, and Great Britain (1899), regarding Samoa, 466; text of, of peace between United States and Spain, 1898, 468.

Trescot, William H., one of commission to negotiate treaty of immigration with China, 294.

Tribute-bearer, Lord Macartney considered, by Chinese, 23; Webster's instruction that Cushing was not, 80.

Tsiyeng, Chinese high commissioner to negotiate treaty with Cushing, 85; report of, to emperor upon negotia-