Page:America Fallen!.djvu/144

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America Fallen

payment of three billion dollars, two hundred millions of which was to be delivered aboard ship within twenty-four hours. The custom house and the armories were to be occupied immediately by German troops. The Mayor was to remain in civil control, under the rules of German military occupation. Finally, the ultimatum stated that if any movement of the regular or militia forces, having in view the recapture of Boston, took place, the fleet would open on the city with all its guns.

The Mayor called a meeting of the leading bankers and an effort was made to obtain a mitigation of the terms. The truce was to expire at 2 P.M., April 2d; but on learning that the bombardment of New York had begun, the city at once capitulated.

That night one of the transports was sent round from Salem, and by noon of April 3d she had sailed for a German port