Page:America's National Game (1911).djvu/412

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boards. (Mr. Moore may be forgiven. He did not see the National League post-season games last year.) It is nothing for the spectators to swarm on the diamond to express their appreciation of some brilliant play. At one game 5,000 persons were on the field congratulating a player, and it was nearly an hour before the game could be resumed. Everybody in town turns out for the games, and there is a spirit of rivalry that reminds one of the league games in the United States.

"'An American umpire would have an easy time of it in Luzon, for the players never treat the arbiter of the game to the criticism and sarcasm that he receives in America. The umpire's decisions are always received without kicking, and the official is accorded a respect that would seem impossible to the men who decide the games in the United States.' O, happy umpires in Luzon! Probably if Merkle had failed to touch second base there the fact would have been thought unworthy of comment."