Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/75

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aighear, mirth, Manx aigher; *ati-gar-; see gàirdeachas for root. Yet Ir. aiereach, merry, aerial, from aier, air, from Lat. aer, makes the matter doubtful. Ir. aerach (Hyde), merry, airy. Evidently the G. is borrowed from the Lat.

aigilean, ear-ring, tassel; cf. Sc. aiglet, tagged point, jewel in one's cap; eglie, needlework, from Fr. aiguille, needle; Lat. acus.

aigne, the swift, anything quick (Carm.):

aigne, aigneadh, mind, so Ir., O. Ir., aicned: ád-gn-eto-, root gnā, know, Gr. γιγνώσκω, Eng. know. Stokes refers it to the root of aicme, as he gives it. Ascoli makes the root cen, as in cineal. The Gaelic g is against any root with c.

àil, will; better àill, q.v.

ail, aileadh, ailt, a mark, impression, Ir. oil, mark (O'R), M. and E. Ir. aile, fence, boundary (Meyer). A t stem: oiledaib, *al-et.

ail, rock, Ir. and O. Ir. ail, *alek-, allied to Ger. fels; see further under mac-talla.

ailbheag, ring; see failbhe.

ailbhinn, flint, precipice; from ail, rock.

àile, air, scent, E. Ir. aél, ahél; W. avel, C., Br., awel, wind; Gr. ἀέλλα (St. Lec.), storm; *avel-, root ave, ve, wind; Lat. au-ra, Gr. ἀήρ, Eng. air.

aileag, hiccup, Ir. fail; cf. Lat. hālo, breathe, Eng. in-hale.

àilean, a green: *ag-li-? Cf. Lat. ager.

àilear, porch:

ailis, blemish, reproach, O. Ir. ail, disgrace, Got. agls?

ailis, mimicing (Wh.); bad atharrais, aith-lis, (M'A.) aithris.

àill, desire, so Ir., O. Ir. áil, W. ewyll, Br. ioul, Celtic avillo-; root av, desire, Lat. aveo, Eng. avidity. áil, pleasant, *pagli, Eng. fair (St. Bez.20 24).

àille, beauty, E. Ir. álde, for álnde; see álainn.

àilleas, àilgheas, will, desire; Ir. áilgheas, E. Ir. ailges, áilgidim, I desire; from áil and geas, request, q.v.

ailleagan, root of the ear, hole of the ear; also faillean, q.v.

àilleagan, darling, so Ir.; from àille, q.v.

aillean, elecampane: cf. Gr. ἑλενίον, Lat. inula. M. Ir. eillinn (Rev.Celt.9 231). inula quam alain rustici vocant (Isidor).

ailleant, shy, delicate; M. Ir. ail (O'Cl.), shamefaced.

ailleort, high-rocked; from aill, rock; see mac-talla.

aillse, diminutive creature, fairy, Ir. aillse;

aillse, cancer, Ir. aillis, O. Ir. ailsin, cancerem:

aillseag, caterpillar; from above.

ailm, the letter A, elm; Ir. ailm, palm (fir?) tree, letter A; borrowed from Lat. ulmus, Norse álmr, Eng. elm.