Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/457

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unradh, adversity (Campbell's Tales, II. Mac-a-rusgaich); a form of an-rath?

ùp, push, ùpag, a push; cf. W. hwp, a push, effort. Cf. pùc. Onomatopoetic.

ùr, fresh, new, Ir., E. Ir. úr, O. Ir. húrde, vividarium, W. ir, fresh, green: *ûro-s, *pûro-s; Lat. pûros, Eng. pure. Usually referred to *ugro-s, Gr. ὑγρóς, wet, Lat. uvidus, moist, root veg.

urcag, thole pin (N. Lochaber). Cf. àrcan, a cork.

urchair, a shot, cast, Ir. urchur, E. Ir. urchur, aurchor, erchor, W. ergyr, O. B. ercor, ictum: *are-koru-, a cast; from cuir, send, q.v.

urchall, fetters, shackles, so Ir. (Lh., etc.): *are-col-, root col, cel of timchioll?

urchasg, physic, antidote, Ir. urchosg, preservative, antidote: *air-chosg, from cosg, casg, stop, q.v.

urchoid, hurt, mischief, Ir. urchóid, O. Ir. erchoit: *are-kkonti-, Gr. κεντέω, stick, prick, καίνω, kill. Stokes prefers *skonti-, as stem, allied to Eng. scathe.

urla, face, hair, breast, Ir. urla, lock of hair, long hair of the head, E. Ir. urla, irla: *air-la-, where la is for vla, root vel of falt?

ùrlabhairt, eloquence, Ir. urlabhair, elocution, E. Ir. erlabra: *air-labhair; see labhair.

ùrlach, stag (R.D.):

ùrlaich, turn from in disgust (Arg.):

ùrlaim, readiness (M'F.), Ir. úrlamh, ready; see ullamh. Hence also ùrlaimh, expert, O. Ir. erlam, irlam.

ùrlamhas, possession, Ir. úrlámhus, forlamhus; from for, super, and làmh, hand: "upper-handed-ness".

ùrlann, a staff, Ir. úrlann, a staff, spear staff, M. Ir. urlannn, staff of a spear: *air-lann, from lann: also E. Ir. irlond, hinder end of a spear or ship.

ùrlar, a floor, lowest part, Ir. urlár: *air-lár, from làr, floor, q.v.

ùrnuigh, a prayer, Ir. urnuighe, O. G. ernacde (B.of Deer), O. Ir. irnigde, irnichte: *are-nakô, I strive for, root nak, enk, as in thig? Zimmer gives the root igh, desire, Gr. ἰχανᾶν, desire, Lit. igiju, strive after, Skr. îh, long for, dividing it into *air-con-ig (*air-in-ig?). O.? Ir. arnigim: ig = Gr. ἰχαρ; arn = *paran, Gr. παρά (St. Zeit. 36).

urra, a person, infant; cf. next word.

urradh, urrainn, authority, guarantee, author, Ir. urra(dh), surety, author, defendant, urrain, stay, prop, M. Ir. errudus, responsibility; from ràth, ràthan, surety. Urradha were a chief's "gentlemen" paying rent or servic (Sil. Gad.).