Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/174

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creic, sell, M. Ir. creicc, sale, E. Ir. creic, buying, O. Ir. crenim, I buy, W. prynn, buy; Skr. krînami (do.). There seems a confusion in G. and E. Ir.with the word reic, sell, q.v.

creid, believe, Ir. creidim, O. Ir. cretim, W. credu, Cor. cresy, Br. cridiff, *kreddiô, O. Ir. cretim, W. credu, Cor. cresy, Br. cridiff, *kreddiô; Lat. cred; Skr. çrad-dadhâmi. From cred-dô, "I give heart to".

creigeir, a grapple (M'D.); from some derivative of Norse krækja, to hook, krækill, a crooked stick, Eng. crook?

creim, creidhm, gnaw, chew, nibble, Ir. creimim, creidhmim, M. Ir. créim. Ir. is also creinim, W. cnithio, cnoi (which also means "gnaw"): from knet, knen, knō, ken, bite, scratch, as in cnàmh, q.v. The n of kn early becomes r because of the m or n after the first vowel.

crein, suffer for (W. H.. Allied to the O. Ir. crenim, buy: "You will buy for it!" See under creic.

créis, grease; from Sc. creische, from O. Fr. craisse, cress, from Lat. crass, crassus, thick. Eng. grease is of like origin.

creithleag, a gadful, so Ir. (Fol.), M. Ir. crebar, W. crëyr, root creb, scratch? Cf. Lett. kribinát, gnaw off. Ir. creabhar, horse-fly.

creòth, wound, hurt (Dialectic), Ir. creo, a wound (O'R.); creonadh, being pained: *krevo- as in crò, blood.

creubh, creubhag, cré, the body; cf. M. Ir. crí, *kreivio-, flesh, body; Got. hraiva-, Norse hrae, body, O. H. G. hreô, corpse. It is possible to refer crí, cré to *krepi-, Lat. corpus, O. H. G. href, Ag. S. hrif, body, Eng. mod-riff. Stokes: crí, kṛpes.

creubh, dun, crave; from the Eng. crave.

creubhaidh, tender in health; seemingly from creubh.

creuchd, wound, Ir. créachd, O. Ir. crécht, W. craith, scar, creithen, M. Br. creizenn (do.), *crempto-; root kerp, ker, Lit. kerpù, cut, Skr. kṛpana, sword (Strachan). Stokes gives the Celtic as krekto-s, and Bez. cfs. Norse hrekja, worry. This neglects the é of Gadelic.

creud, what, Ir. creud, créad, E. Ir. crét; for ce rét. See co and rud.

creud, creed, Ir. créidh, M. Ir. credo, W. credo; from Lat. credo, I believe; the first word of the Apostles' Creed in Lat.

creutair, creature, Ir. créatúr, W. creadwr; from Lat. creatura.

criadh, clay, so Ir. Really the oblique form of cré, q.v.

criathar, a sieve, Ir., O. Ir. criathar, O. W. cruitr, Cor. croider, M. Br. croezr, *kreitro-; Ag. S. hridder, hriddel, Eng. riddle, Ger. reiter; further Lat. crîbrum (*kri-θ??ro-n); root kri, krei, separate, whence Gr. κρίνω, Eng. critic, etc.

criachadh, proposing to oneself; from crìoch, end. Cf. Eng. define, from finis and end, used for "purpose".