Page:Alexander Macbain - An Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language.djvu/125

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of the Gaelic language.

buarach, cow-fetter, Ir., E. Ir. buarach: for bó-árach, "cow-fetter", árach being for ad-rig-os, root rig of cuibh­reach, q.v.

buathadh, a rushing, a mad fit:

bùb, roar, Ir. bub: onomatopoetic. Cf. Lat. baubor, bay, Gr. βαύζω, bark, Lit. bubauti, roar.

bùban, coxcomb, Ir. bubán; cf. Eng. booby.

bucach, a boy (dial.): “growing one”; founded on Lat. bucca as in the following word.

bucaid, a pustule, Ir. bucóid, a spot, E. Ir. boccóit; from Brittonic Lat. buccâtus, from bucca, puffed cheek (Eng. debouch, rebuke).

bucall, a buckle, Ir. bucla, W. bwcl; from M. Eng. bukyll, Eng. buckle, from Fr. boucle, from Lat. bucula, cheek‑strap, from bucca, cheek.

bùchd, size (Sh. buc); from Sc. bouk, i.e. bulk.

buchainn, melodious (A. M‘D.):

buchallach, nestling (adj.): *buth-chal, "house tending"? buchal­lach (M‘L. Teachd. Gaidh.):

budach, poult (Suth.): see pùt.

budagochd, snipe (M‘L.), woodcock (H.S.D.). It seems a reminis­cence of Eng. woodcock.

budhaigir, the puffin, buigire, (M‘A., for St. Kilda), Sc. bowger, the coulter-neb; somehow from Norse bugr, curve, “bent-bill”?

budhailt, a window-like recess in a wall; from Sc. bowall, boal, bole. Origin unknown (Murray).

budhag, a bundle of straw: root bud, which underlies Fr. botte, bundle? See boitean.

bugha, a green spot by a stream (Skye), bogha (Rob.).

buideal, a bottle, cask, Ir. buideul, W. potel; from Eng. bottle. See botul.

buidealaich, a conflagration, Ir. buite, fire, buitealach (Lh.†, O’Cl., O’B.), bott (O’Cl.): *bud-do‑, root bhud (Lat. fustis, bhud-tis, Eng. beetle), giving the idea of “faggot”, “firewood?”

buidhe, yellow, so Ir., O Ir. buide; Lat. badius, Eng. bay.

buidhe, now buidheachas, thanks, Ir. buidhe, O Ir. buide (W. boddaw, please, bodd, will?), *budo‑, I. E. bhudh, bheudh; Gr. πεύθομαι, learn by inquiry; Ag. S. béodan, command, Eng. for-bid.

buidhe, glad to, had to, O Ir. buithi, participle of necessity, from the verb , be: “Is amlid is buithi do chách”—Thus ought it to be with every one (9th Cent. glosses); G. “Is buidhe do gach neach”.

buidheann, a company, Ir. buidhean, O Ir. buden, W. byddin, O. Br. bodin, manus, *bodînâ; O. H. G. chutti, troop, band, O. Fries. kedde, Ger. kette, covey; I. E. : go, drive; cf. Lit. gůtas, herd.