Page:Aeneid (Conington 1866).djvu/276

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And still she flames and raves the more
The deeper floats the field with gore.
With bristling hide and lifted horns
Io, all gold, his shield adorns,
Memorial grave and stern;
There Argus stands, her guard and foe,
And Inachus her sire lets flow
The river from his urn.
A cloud of footmen at his back,
And shielded hosts the plain make black:
Auruncans, Argives, brave and bold,
Rutulians and Sicanians old,
Sacranians thirsting for the field,
Labici with enamelled shield;
Who Tiber's lanws with ploughshare score
And pure Numicius' hallowed shore,
Subdue Rutulian slopes, and till
Circeii's venerable hill:
Where Anxur boasts her guardian Jove
And greenly blooms Feronia's grove;
Where Satura's unlovely pool
In sullen quiet sleeps,
And Ufens winds through valleys cool
And plunges in the deeps.

Last marches forth for Latium's sake
Camilla fair, the Volscian maid,
A troop of horsemen in her wake
In pomp of gleaming steel arrayed;
Stern warrior queen! those tender hands
Ne'er plied Minerva's ministries:
A virgin in the fight she stands
Or winged winds in speed outvies.
Nay, she could fly o'er fields of grain
Nor crush in flight the tapering wheat,