Page:Aeneid (Conington 1866).djvu/248

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Reports that valiant chiefs are here
Attired in garb unknown:
He, hearing, gives the word to call
The strangers to the audience-hall,
And seats him on his throne.

Upon the city's highest ground,
With hundred columns compassed round,
There rose a fane sublime;
'Twas Picus' palace long ago,
And sacred woods around it throw
The awe of elder time.
Here wont the monarchs to receive
The royal staff, the fasces heave,
An omen of their reign:
Here met the council of debate,
Here on high days the seniors sate
At lengthening tables ranged in state
To feast on cattle slain.
There, formed of ancient cedar wood,
A line of old forefathers stood;
Here Italus, Sabinus here
Who taught them first the vine to rear
(The mimic semblance still preserved
The hook for priming deftly curved);
There ancient Saturn holds his place,
And Janus with his double face,
And many another hoary king
E'en from the nation's earliest spring,
And many a warrior, strong and brave,
Who poured his blood his land to save.
There too were spoils of bygone wars
Hung on the portals, captive cars,
Strong city-gates with massy bars,
And battle-axes keen,