Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 2.djvu/431

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Then said Thomas to him: 'God did not this for me, but for thee rather,

that thou so at least mightest believe on the living God.

Verily he can give me the power

that I, without water, may not dread thy torture.'

Then Mazdai the king bade men put the man of God

in boiling water; then it became cool;

and no brand would burn beneath the water.

Then he was led to the lifeless gods,

that he might lay his gift before them in offering,

and bow his knees to the shameful images.

Then Thomas boldly commended himself to his Lord,

and bade the devil who dwelt in the magic work

that he should come out of the image to him,

and commanded him in God's name to overthrow the images,

and the devil's temple, so that it should hurt no one.

Then came the devil out of the image,

and destroyed it instantly, even as wax melteth away,

so that not one limb of it remained whole.

Then cried the idolaters and furiously roared,

and one of them immediately slew the apostle

with a drawn sword, saying that he would

avenge the insult to his god; and the king went thence,

because his people desired to avenge the apostle.

Then they carried his body faithfully to church,

and reverently buried it, to the glory of the Almighty.

There miracles were frequently performed;

madmen were there restored to their senses,

and all manner of infirmities from time to time were healed there

by help of God; and God's apostle

was afterwards carried to the Syrian land

with great honour, to the praise of the Almighty,

who reigneth in eternity, gloriously mighty. Amen.