Page:Adventures in Thrift (1916).djvu/91

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would go for delivery, ten for car fare—and my time—"

"Well, of course, you have not bought much, considering that you must have them delivered and you must pay car fare. Women like you from the distance must either buy in larger quantities or carry things home on the car."

"Carry them!" exclaimed Mrs. Larry.

"Yes; women come here with old suit-cases and bags. Women with babies bring the babies in the carriages and fill the front with vegetables, etc. Mothers of older children use the little express wagons. They don't spend ten cents for deliveries."

"Do—do many ladies come here?"

"Say, if you want to see ladies marketing, you go over to the market under Queensboro Bridge to-morrow morning—early."

Mrs. Larry laughed joyously over her recital that night.

"Evidently the early bird has come back into style," was her husband's comment. "Are you game for the early market?"

"Indeed I am," declared Mrs. Larry. "Just think! I didn't save a penny to-day—lost time