Page:Adventures in Thrift (1916).djvu/223

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a sort of Thrift Celebration, to which Mr. and Mrs. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Norton and Claire will be duly invited."

"What a lovely idea!" exclaimed Mrs. Larry. "I've been keeping a diary; so with our coffee and cheese, some one shall read a little summary of our 'Adventures in Thrift.' Of course," she continued, with a suggestion of contrition, "I started these investigations, and I'm willing to look into parcel-post economy—but—well— My wardrobe's getting in a shocking state, so if you go to Brooklyn, I'll go shopping."

"And I'll go with you," said Teresa.

Mr. Larry chuckled.

"Perhaps you might even find the way to thrift in department-store buying."

"No," said Mrs. Moore decidedly. "I don't believe in bargain counters or sales."

"If not, why not? I propose that you add to this quest the problem: 'When is a bargain not a bargain?' Is there such a thing as standardization in fabrics and wearing apparel?"

"Larry, Larry!" cried his wife. "Haven't we had trouble enough with the food proposition?