Page:Adventures in Thrift (1916).djvu/119

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"First, let me introduce you to what I consider the most practical organization of practical women in the country——"

She held up a tiny button: "National Housewives' Cooperative League" ran the inscription.

"And then to its very capable and practical president, Mrs. Joseph W. Ellms."

And here she produced a photograph of a refined, rather intellectual-looking woman, face oval, mouth firm, eyes looking keenly through glasses, hair parted and waved over a fine white forehead.

"Mrs. Ellms, with our splendid secretary, Miss Edna O. Crofton, keeps the sincerity of this organization always alive. For cooperative buying needs sincerity, firmness and stead-fastness of purpose. No compromising with the corner grocer or a heedless servant if you want to be a real cooperator!

"Our League started in a very funny way. We had a typical organization of mothers known as the Hyde Park Colony Mothers' Club, with meetings devoted to the conventional discussions of children, their care, feeding, education