Page:Adam Bell, Clym of the Clough, and William of Cloudeslie (2).pdf/8

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Then they him bound, both hand and foot,
And in deep dungeon cast;
Now Cloudeslie, said the Justice,
Thou shalt be hanged in haste.

A pair of new Gallows, said the Sherife
Now shall I for thee make;
And the gates of Carlile shall be shut:
No man shall come in therat.

Then shall not help Clym of the Clough,
Nor yet shall Adam Bell,
Though they came with a thousand men
Nor all the devils in hell.

Early in the morning the Justice uprose,
To the gates first can he gone,
And commanded to be shut full close,
Lightill evrychone.

Then went he to the market place,
As fast as he could hye;
There a pair of new Gallows, he set up,
Beside the pillorye.

A little boy among them asked,
What meant that Gallows tree?
They said to hang a good yeoman,
Called William of Cloudeslie.

That little boy was the town swine-herd,
And kept fair Alice swine;
Oft had he seen William in the wood,
And given him there to dine.

He went out at a crevis of the wall,
And to the wood did gone,
There met he with these wightie yeomen,
Shortly and anone